Page 75: Uh-Oh...

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*New York City, New York*

"So, should I call you "Grandpa" now?" Henry smiled, walking with Gold back to the apartment. "Call me whatever you like." Gold said, in a harsh tone, seeing as he just wanted to return home now.

"He's a good kid," Neal said, looking at Emma as they walked together.

"Yeah," Emma said, being short with him, which Neal definitely noticed.

"Hey, I'm trying my best here." 

"I know. We all are... It's just; we're gonna have to go back. To our home." Emma said before going quiet away. "I'm just getting to know him," Neal said, causing Emma to sigh, knowing that she could not stay, and she had a deal with Gold. "Well, then maybe... Maybe you should come with us." Emma suggested, making Neal furrow his brows.

"To Storybrooke?" 

"I've seen your apartment. You don't get a lot going on here... And besides, you could meet your sister, who also's Henry's sister." Emma said, causing Neal to stop, looking at her, confused. "Long story... Dream's mother is Regina, the--"

"The Evil Queen..." Neal nodded, "Why would she make a deal with my father to have a daughter together?" 

"I can't say... But she's Henry's adoptive mother... Longer story." Emma sighed when Neal nodded. "But I mean, it's not like you have much--"

"Looks can be deceiving..." Neal sighed when he stopped, making Emma stop to look at him. "Listen, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. It's complicated--" Neal went to say, but Henry walked over, interrupting them.

"So, Neal, do you think we can take the subway?" Henry asked, making both of his parents look at him.

"Sure... Of course. Let's go get that camera." Neal said when he followed Henry inside.

"Come on." Henry smiled, walking over to the gate door. "Here, I got it." Neal smiled when he opened the gate while he and Henry started to walk up the stairs. "After this, maybe Times Square?" Neal continued as Gold stopped to turn to Emma.

"So, uh, did you talk to him?" Gold asked Emma when she sighed to herself.

"He said it's complicated..." 

"Oh, I see." Gold scoffed at her. "Too complicated to be with his son for a while or meet his little sister--" Gold started to rant when Emma sighed at him. "Well, maybe, he just needs some time. I don't know..." Emma stopped when someone opened the door, pushing her out of the way. 

Gold looked up in horror when he saw Hook. Hook pushed Gold up against the bars where the gate was. Gold grunted as Hook stabbed him in the chest with his hook. "Tick-tock." Hook said, in a low, threatening voice, when he rose his hook up. "Time's up crocodile. You took Milah, my love, my happiness. And for that, I now take your life." Hook threatened, looking at Gold, who looked like his old, cowardly self.

Emma picked up the nearest thing she could pick up, a trash can, knocking Hook unconscious. Emma threw it down before rushing to Gold, who sank to the floor, gasping. "Gold, are you all right?" Emma asked, but Gold did not answer, checking his chest wound.

"What's going on?" Neal asked, rushing down with Henry.

"One of your dad's enemies found us..." Emma sighed when Neal moved to his dad's side, looking at Hook with Emma. "Hook..." Neal sighed before checking back at his dad. "You know him?" Emma asked, but Neal did not say anything when he checked where Gold was injured.

"Papa?" Neal asked softly, looking really worried.

~season 2, episode 15: "The Queen is Dead"~

~587 words~

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