Page 15: Off to the Palace:

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Mulan walked the girls over to an armory box full of swords, daggers, staffs, bows, and arrows. Any kind of weapon that was in Julius Caesar's time was all in there. "Choose wisely. We must be vigilant if we hope to survive the journey." Mulan said as Emma picked up a small dagger, hiding it in her boot. Mary Margaret picked up a sword that had a strap, strapping it around her waist. 

"Where's my gun? I want it back." Emma said to Mulan, knowing that she had taken it when they landed.

Mulan took it out of her satchel, looking at the weird weapon. "Is it magic?" Mulan asked Emma, making Emma hold out her hand for it. 

"Depends on who's pulling the trigger," Emma said as Mulan handed her the gun back when Mary Margaret picked up a bow and a quiver of arrows.

Mulan looked at Dream, who didn't pick up a weapon. "Why are you waiting? Pick one." Mulan said when Emma and Mary Margaret looked up at her. 

"I don't know how to use any of these..." Dream sighed when Regina did not even allow guns in the house.

"Here." Mary Margaret said, picking up a staff. "It will also help you on the way." She continued when she handed the wooden staff to Dream.

"Follow my lead. Step where I step. Do exactly as I say, and we might survive." Mulan said, sounding serious, making Emma chuckle at her while she got her gun ready. 

"Thanks for the pep talk, but I think we're okay. I just killed a dragon last week." Emma said, putting the gun in the back of her waistband.

"Have you ever seen an Ogre?" Mulan asked Emma, who was cocky for no reason. 

"Pretty sure I've dated a few," Emma said arrogantly. 

"Yeah... He lived in a swamp and liked onions." Dream said as Mary Margaret sighed. 

These girls were not taking it seriously. But Mary Margaret also knew Dream her whole life; when she would get nervous, she liked to ramble, but she was also her mother's child. 

"Legend has it that when they kill you, the last thing you see is yourself dying in the reflection in their eyes," Mulan said, making Dream look frightened, while Emma kept the same serious expression. "Let's walk. It'll be dark soon." Mulan said, walking ahead when they followed her. 

"Don't let her rattle you; I won't let anything happen to us. Stick to the plan." Mary Margaret smiled, wrapping an arm around Dream while she walked in between them. 

"What is the plan?" Emma asked her mother but watched as Mary Margaret acted motherly around Dream. "You haven't told me anything. What's going on?" Emma whispered while they looked around, ensuring no one could hear them. 

"The wardrobe." Mary Margaret said when Emma and Dream raised their brows.

""The wardrobe"?" Dream asked her quietly, making sure no one could hear. 

"Like, "the wardrobe" that sent little baby me to Maine? You think it could get us back to Storybrooke?" Emma asked her mother, sounding hopeful and confused at the same time.

"You think it could send us back to Henry and my mom?" Dream asked when Mary Margaret sighed, looking at the girls. 

"I don't know. First, we have to see if it survived the curse. Then, we'll worry about making it work." Mary Margaret sighed, explaining her skepticism to the girls. 

"Where is it?" Dream asked Mary Margaret, making her sigh.

"My place... You wanna see where you're from, Emma? That's right; we're going home." Mary Margaret said when they started to leave the village. 

"You mean you guys are going home..." Dream sighed, missing her mom and Henry. 

"Yes... And for the time being... so are you. You should not tell people who you really are." Mary Margaret said when Dream sighed, looking at the two of them.

"Keeping it a secret? Are you sure? 'Cause last time you tried to keep a secret--" 

"I was ten!" Mary Margaret sighed when she looked at Dream, who was just scared and nervous. "I was ten, Dream... Now come on, it's gonna be okay." She said as they continued to follow Mulan.

After a long walk, they ended up in a huge clearing in the forest. 

"This'll do," Mulan said as they stopped walking. 

"Thank goodness." Dream sighed, finally giving her feet a much-needed break. 

"We'll make camp here for the night. We just need to find water. Collect some firewood." Mulan continued.

"Uh... If we're hiding from Ogres, shouldn't we maybe, I don't know, not start a fire?" Emma asked, making Mulan and Mary Margaret look back at Emma.

"Ogres are blind. They hunt by sound alone." Mary Margaret said when Dream raised her brows as she sat on the grass. Her feet were killing her. And her leg was throbbing. 

"So, they're like T-Rexes?" Dream asked when Mary Margaret sighed, looking at her. 

"Kind of." Mary Margaret shrugged, just going along with Dream's curiosity.

"Right..." Emma sighed, looking at her mother. "'Cause, that's something everyone would know about Ogres." Emma sighed, making Mary Margaret look at her, sighing.

Mulan looked at Dream as they exchanged a look. "Do they always do this?" Mulan mouthed to Dream, who shrugged. 

"Depends on the day." Dream sighed when Mulan nodded, understanding.

Meanwhile, Mary Margaret walked closer to her daughter. "Look, I know you're out of your element..." She went to say, but Emma spoke up. 

"I'm fine." Emma fought, making Mary Margaret sigh again. 

"I know... But maybe you should just stay here, with Dream, while we get wood and water?" Mary Margaret suggested, looking at the young girl who was scared and without her mother for the first time in nineteen years.

"You mean the big empty clearing?" Emma asked, sounding skeptical.

"It's the safest place. We'll be right back." Mary Margaret said, heading off in a different direction from Mulan, while Emma looked at Dream.

~season 2, episode 3: "Lady of the Lake"~

~987 words~

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