Page 64: The Giant Got Big Again:

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Present day.

Regina made her and Dream appear by the lake when they found Anton. Regina learned from Hook that Anton trusted Dream, so Regina could use that to get what she always wanted. Revenge on Snow White and her prince.

"Anton?" Dream asked, making the shrunken turn to look at her.

"Get away from me!" Anton yelled when he saw Regina behind Dream. 

"We're here to help you," Regina spoke up when Dream gave Anton a small smile. 

"No. You're human. I hate humans." Anton fought when he stayed back from Regina and Dream. "Don't come any closer! Or I'll kill you." He warned when Regina nudged Dream to step forward.

Regina laughed at his threats when Anton looked at her. 

"It's me, Anton... You know I won't hurt you." Dream tried to reassure him. "And this is my mother, Regina." Dream introduced them when Anton still seemed skeptical.

"Look, I hear you're in town 'cause you wanna kill someone. I can help. I have no love for this Prince either. And if you want to destroy this town to get to him, well, I'm happy to do my part." Regina smiled at him before holding up a mushroom. "This will make you bigger. It will return you to your former glory." Regina smiled when Anton looked at Dream, asking if it was okay. 

Dream nodded, smiling at him when he took the mushroom from Regina. 

Regina nodded when Anton took a bite of the mushroom, and he turned back into a giant. "Now, get to work." Regina smiled at him, laughing as she saw it work. "As I'm sure you're aware, that mushroom won't last forever." Regina smiled when Anton started to stomp towards town.

At the airport.

Gold paced as Emma and Henry sat down, waiting to get onto their plane. 

"Do you want something to eat?" Emma asked Gold, who looked nervous. 

"No," Gold said, tersely, looking at the ground. 

"Is something wrong?" Emma asked, causing Gold to scoff at her.

"Stop asking me that." Gold stopped when he looked at the two of them, who sighed at him. "I'll be right back." Gold sighed when he headed off toward the bathroom.

After a couple of minutes, Emma looked at Henry. "Go check on him," Emma said to Henry, seeing as he was the only one out of the two who could go into the men's bathroom to get Gold. 

Henry headed to the bathroom when he looked around for Gold. "Mr. Gold? Mr. Gold? We're boarding soon... Are you coming?" Henry asked but waited a bit when Gold came out of the stall.

Storybrooke, Maine.

After running around town, Anton stopped when he turned back into his tiny size. He realized that David was not James, David's twin brother who was raised by King George. James was apparently the one who killed Anton's family, leaving him alone. After saving Anton's life, David and the others took Anton to Granny's.

"This is Granny's. She makes a mean lasagna and runs an inn, so I'm sure we can set you up with a room till you find a place." Leroy explained while Anton looked around as everyone gathered in the diner. 

"Thanks... But I think I'll set up camp in the woods." Anton said, making Leroy chuckle at him. 

"The woods?" Leroy asked him.

"Yeah, I'm better off alone. I'm not too good at fitting in." Anton said, looking at Leroy.

"You're in the right place. Storybrooke's got all kinds. Dwarves, fairies, werewolves, you name it. Ruby! Beers all around!" Leroy smiled when he moved to sit at the counter. 

"We all miss our land, Anton, but this is our home now." Mary Margaret said when Anton looked at all of them.

"You never think about going back?" He asked the group.

"Of course, we do. It's just not possible..." Mary Margaret sighed, looking at her husband, who was on the other side of Anton. 

"We have no way to get there." David sighed, looking down.

"How's the farmland here?" Anton asked, making David look back up at him.

"Pretty good; why?"

Anton grabbed a small vile from his pocket when he showed the others. "This stem is from a beanstalk. If I plant it, I should be able to grow some magic beans. And then you just might have a way." Anton said when everyone, except Mary Margaret, smiled in astonishment.

David, Mary Margaret, and the dwarves took Anton to a large patch of land by the woods. 

"Well, what's the verdict?" David asked Anton, while they knelt down to check the soil. 

"Soil's got a nice loamy feel. Lot of minerals. The beans should grow well here. Only one problem." Anton said to the Charmings while the dwarves walked over with their pickaxes. 

"What's that?" Mary Margaret asked him. 

"Cora..." Anton sighed, standing up again. "This is why she brought me. She wanted me to grow beans. So, whatever she plans to do with them, it can't be good." Anton sighed, looking at them with concern.

"Then, we won't let her get to them." Mary Margaret said as the dwarves joined them.

"No one touches our crop," Leroy said to him. 

"Your crop? I thought you guys were miners?" Anton asked him. 

"Work is work. It's what we do." Leroy shrugged when Anton nodded a bit. "So what do you say? You up for some help?" Leroy asked him when Anton smiled at him.


"Happy!" Leroy called, when Happy walked over, handing Anton a pickaxe. "Here. To help break up the earth." Leroy said, when Anton took the pickaxe, seeing a name appear like on the dwarves. "Tiny." 

"Tiny. My brothers used to call me that." Anton smiled at the dwarves.

"Axe never lies." Leroy smiled at him.

"Wait a second, I did my time in the mines. How come I didn't get one of those?" David asked them. 

"'Cause you ain't a dwarf," Leroy said, making the others chuckle. 

"Welcome aboard, brother." Leroy smiled, patting Anton on the back.

The dwarves started to whistle, when they started to dig for the beans, while David and Mary Margaret watched, smiling. They will have a way home soon.

~season 2, episode 13: "Tiny"~

~1012 words~

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