Chapter 14:

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I sit up in bed, listening to the monitors click and whir as they do their nonchalant mechanical work. I listen as the nurses chatter at their desks stationed in the desolate halls, some chose to walk around as they get their steps in making their rounds for the evening. All this noise, why can't it just stop? I already have enough commotion in my head as it is, with the balam running wild in my dreams, I don't even want to fall asleep but my eyes are so heavy with exhaustion. Not wanting to fall victim to sleep I try to focus on something else, anything else. Frantically I look around the room to find something I could use to entertain me for awhile, finally I let the ticking of the oval clock entrance me, drawling me into the ticking of the second hand as it races around the clock with a steady pace. I watch as it whizzes by the big twelve and the measly number two, but watching the clock starts to make my heavy eyelids even heavier, it's working against me. "No" I say. Rosalee who must have been curled up on the sofa bolts upright, I hadn't even noticed I had said it aloud. She stretches and heads to my bedside, her brow furrows with concern, "Adalind?" She says. I'm too spent to really answer so I just kind of sit there and lazily trace shapes onto my bedsheet to stimulate my brain into staying awake. "Adalind?" She presses again, this time I look straight into her eyes that are dark rimmed from staying up half the previous night with me. "You look tired. You should really go to bed" she begins, but I can't listen to this not now, "No." I reply bluntly. She gives me an even more stern look, what can I say we are both pretty stubborn women, "Adalind it's not good for either you or that baby to be sleep deprived and you know that. Why won't you go to sleep I'm right here and I'm not leaving", she says. I look at her with newly rejuvenated eyes, this rush of adrenaline is just what I needed, "I'm fine I can handle myself", I say a little too sternly. Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise at my tone of voice, "I'm going to take that as the lack of sleep talking, not my friend who wouldn't shout at someone who is just trying to help her out." Inside I feel really bad for what I have said and the way in which I have said it but right now I'm not a person to be messed with, "You want to know the truth?!?" I yell, "I'm sick and tired of people coming around to watch me suffer in this bed! Looking at me solemnly because they don't know what to say! If you guys had came around more than maybe I wouldn't have been taken! Maybe then I could be preparing for the arrival of me and Nick's second child without having to try and wrap my head around what's real and WHAT JUST LIVES IN MY FREAKING HEAD!" I scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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