Chapter 6: Captured

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Trying to fight the blackness at the edges of my vision, I begin to groggily stir, immediately realizing I have a massive pounding headache that's causing me to feel nauseated. The events from earlier begin to flood into my head like a whirlwind making my head spin. My eyes grow wide as I realize the imminent danger I'm in, frantically I try to take in my surroundings, to maybe find a weapon to defend myself with or any means of an escape. I hear the clang of metal banging on metal as I try to find a way to my feet. I look down at my wrists as the bite of metal stings my skin, digging into my bones. Tears rush down my cheeks, blurring my vision even more than it already is, making me unsteady on my feet, "Hello?" I cry. The creaking of floorboards overhead answers my cry for help as the door to the basement snaps open and down emerges my captor, the hooded figure from the alleyway. "Who are you?" I cry as my captor keeps to the shadows so I can't identify any of his features. His voice stings my ears as he hisses, "Who am I? Please...Don't pretend like you don't know who I am!" Fear rises within me as my head reels to try to match his voice to a memory, "Please! Please! I don't know who you are! I swear you can let me go..." I plead but his voice is like razorblades cutting through the air, "Let you go! And you won't tell anybody right? Your husbands a Grimm! I'm not an idiot! He'll kill me for this no doubt but it won't really matter because I'll take you with me!" He clucks madly, lunging forward into the dust laden light, claws extended. I recoil, closing my eyes to shield myself from witnessing my own death but my captor just cackles, he has stopped just inches from my face, his breathe carrying the stench of his crimes with him, it makes me gag. "Heed my warning Mrs. Shade before this night is done you'll be begging me to kill you", he says looking me up and down before turning on his heel and exiting, enveloping my prison in it's silence once again.

As a few minutes have now ticked by, beads of sweat dot my forehead as I have turned my wrists black and blue trying to pull at my restraints, they are bound tight I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Hopefully Nick finds me in time, surely he has noticed I'm missing by now. I hear the floorboards creak once again, I know he's coming for me. In fear I drop to the floor and curl in on myself, snapping my eyes shut just as my captor clambers down the stairs. He expels his rotten breath in annoyance, "Pretending to sleep Mrs. Shade? That little trick won't work on me!" He spits as he lunges forward and grabs one of my wrists, digging into my sore bruises. In pain I wobe into my wesen skin, a hexenbeist, and shove him with the sheer force of my mind. He clatters into the far wall, toppling over old dusty furniture and half empty paint canisters. He growls, fully wobed into his true form, a Balam, fur black as night and teeth as sharp as daggers, embodying the form and nature of a black panther. He lunges forward, claws extended and slashes a gash into my cheek, merely a warning to not test his patience any further. "Don't you dare disrespect wesen blooded creatures by wearing our face when you are married to a Grimm!" He spits in anger, "I shouldn't even keep you alive! I should just kill you! But what kind of message would that send to dear old Nick? Maybe I grabbed the wrong person after all. Maybe I should have waited for one of his filthy children!" My blood boils, nobody threatens my children, "Nick will come for you!" I scream, "And when he does I'll kill you for even thinking about taking my children!" He spits at my feet, "Let's see him try! I'll cut out his throat while you watch!" He says storming off, leaving a trail of dust swishing after him.

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