Chapter 10: So Sorry...

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I exhale a shaky breath, everything hurts so bad, it's a chore to breathe. I try to shift my weight, to move even a muscle but it sends a searing pain up my spine. Nevertheless, I push through the pain to try to pick myself up off the floor. I place my clammy palms against the floor and use my upper body strength to give myself a boost. I cry out as the pain about forces me to pass out. In defeat I lay back down against the cold floor, crying tears mixed with blood, as my body shakes from the pain coursing through it. "Nick....I hope you can forgive me...", I bawl as I place a hand onto my stomach, "I'm sorry...that you may never get a chance to see this see your amazing family....I'm so sorry", I whisper as I drawl a quick breath and silently pass out.

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