Chapter 8: Where Are You?

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Too tired to stand any longer I slump to the dirty floor, tears flow freely down my cheeks, mixing with blood and dirt before splashing onto my pants. "Please..." I whimper, "Nick please..."', I say as tears spill faster down my cheeks as I realize I might not see my husband or children ever again. I close my eyes, praying that somehow, someway Nick will find me before this creature decides I'm not worth it anymore. A tiny girls voice forces my eyes to snap open immediately, I would know her voice anywhere. "Mommy? Where are you?" She calls as I look up and see my sweet Diana standing in the middle of the floor. I look at her wide eyed, "Diana? can't be here...just tell daddy that I'm trapped in a basement...", I say, momentarily freezing as I hear the sound of the floorboards creaking. "Tell daddy it's the Balam!" I cry as the door to the basement snaps open and down descends my captor, rushing toward me and Diana in a mad fury. As he reaches me, he extends his arm and grabs my head, slamming it into the ground with a sickening sound before wheeling around to face Diana as she screams bloody murder. The Balam man reaches out to grab Diana but her illusion fades, leaving me in the basement alone with this madman, "Where'd she go bitch!" He yells eyes glowing a feral putrid yellow, "You'll never touch her", I chuckle through the pain as blood trickles from a wide gash on my forehead. His eyes fill with rage. He lets out an animal-like snarl before lunging forward, clasping his hands around my neck tightly, squeezing with no intention of letting go. His eyes fill with more hatred as I squirm under the pressure of my collapsing trachea. Fervently I try to woge into my counterpart, a hexenbeist, but I can't focus enough to even cause a change. In a last attempt to be released, I madly claw at the Balam, trying to harm him enough to alleviate the pressure for just a mere second. Unable to budge his deathlike grip my face begins to turn a sickly shade of purple, I can feel blood vessels popping in both my eyes and my neck. Blackness circles the edges of my vision as I choke for oxygen. Before my vision goes completely black he lets out another feral cry, throwing me into the cement wall clear across the room. On impact I slump down to the floor, broken and bruised from his attack. "I'll kill you all!" He screams as he slams the basement door shut, leaving me alone, in the dark, covered in blood and barely clinging onto the sliver of life he left in my veins.

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