Chapter 12: Safe At Last

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I don't know how long I was out but subconsciously I know I faintly smelled the familiar scent of Nick's cologne. That's how I knew I was safe, that Nick had come for me...that the Balam was far from the land of the living now. Slowly my eyes flutter open, my heart races as I'm met with complete darkness, maybe I had just dreamed Nick had come for me. I wrench myself into a sitting position, feeling the full extent of my pain as it brings me to tears. Immediately an arm
wraps itself around me, a light clicks on and there he is, "Nick?" I cry. "Shhhh...Its okay.....I'm here Adalind", he says soothingly as I bury my face into his shirt. "I'm sorry...", I whimper. He reaches down and cups my face in his hand, making sure not to press on any bruises or wounds, "You don't have to ever be sorry honey...I'm just glad your safe", he says as tears glisten in his eyes. I reach up and try to wipe away some of my own, "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner!" I sniffle as tears threaten to pool down my cheeks once again. He gives a faint smile, "You would have told me when you were ready Adalind. There's nothing to be sorry for...I'm just so glad to have you back....and I'm so proud to be the father to three amazing children", he says as he places a hand on my stomach. I can't help but through the because the man I love is doing that dopey smile that always makes me laugh. He wraps me into a hug, I wince and shift a little as I feel the pain stab through my body like a wildfire. He notices my discomfort and quickly pulls away, "You should really get some rest", he murmurs before giving me a kiss.

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