Chapter 7: Crash and Burn

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(Back at the loft-Nick's perspective) Diana scoops up the last pancake and flips it onto our already heaping tower of golden airy delights. I look up at the clock above the dining room table, that's weird it's been forty five minutes and Adalind is still not back from the grocery store with the strawberries. I pull out my phone and my brow furrows, that's strange no calls or missed texts, why does this feel so wrong? I click through my contacts, scrolling past Treble, Monroe and Rosalee before I find Adalind's name. My heart races as I click her name and it rings once then twice, painfully it goes straight to voicemail. A small hand pokes me on the back, I turn around and put on a brave smile, trying not to get Diana worried too, "Is everything alright daddy?" She says as her face wrinkles up in confusion. I smile through my rising fear, "Yes everything's alright Diana I just need to make a phone call" I say, trying to talk over the knot forming in my stomach. I pull out my phone and dial Monroe's number, I need someone I know and trust to talk to right now, "Monroe?" I say shakily, without skipping a beat he knows somethings wrong, "Adalind went to the store forty five minutes ago to pick up strawberries and hasn't returned yet..." I whisper, fearing Diana might overhear our conversation. "I'll be right over", he says before hanging up on me. Knowing Monroe he'll bring Rosalee along too, over the years they have grown to become close friends with Adalind. I turn around, jolting in suprise as I see Diana was quietly waiting behind me, "It's mommy isn't it?" She says softly. I kneel down so I'm eye level with her, "Yes Diana it is..." I say as the elevator dings with the arrival of both a wide eyed Monroe and a rattled Rosalee. "Nick we got here as soon as we could. What happened?" Rosalee pleads, a look of dread rising in her eyes. "Adalind...I think she's been kidnapped", I say shakily finally catching up to the realization that Adalind could be in real danger, how could I have been so stupid? Rosalee's hand flies to her mouth as tears threaten to spill down her cheeks, Monroe clutches his wife close to his chest, "Then we need to find her. Where do we start?" I feel my stomach fall to the floor as my knees go weak, I'm lightheaded and in need of a chair. "Nick!" Monroe exclaims as he catches me before I hit the hard floor. "I don't even know where to start...I don't even know...." I whisper, defeat clinging to my voice like a sick child. "We'll start outside right? Try to retrace her steps? That's where she headed first right?" Monroe says trying not to lose my ever failing hope. "I should have went with her..." I ramble looking off into the distance blankly. Rosalee half recovered from her shock, clutches my shoulder firmly, "Nick! Listen to me! This is no time to lose your head! We need to find Adalind right now!" "Yeah especially because she's..." Monroe begins but sharply bites his tongue. I look at him in surprise, he has my full attention, "Because she's what!?!" I exclaim almost shouting at my best friend in fear of his response. Monroe goes dead silent, staring down at his feet, he said something he wasn't supposed to and he knows I won't drop it till I get a straight answer. Rosalee looks up meekly, "Nick...", she begins, expelling a defeated breathe, "Adalind's pregnant...", she drawls slowly. My face drops, I'm completely numb, I can't even move. "Adalind?" I begin, feeling the breathe escape my lungs defeatedly. Not even able to finish my sentence before my mind starts racing. How many nights did she put herself in danger just so she could tag along with me to make sure I made it back home safely? How could I have not noticed? Why didn't she tell me? A thousand thoughts swirl in my head making me feel more sick than I already am, they are all broken off as Diana's little frame climbs into my lap, "Daddy?" Her small voice echoes pulling me back to reality. I cup her little face in my hands, "Yes sweetie?" I say choking back on my tears that I hadn't even realized had begun to fall. She reaches up and wipes away a stream of my tears, "I can help find mommy", she says as she stares into my eyes. Hope flutters back into my heart as I realize Diana is connected to her mother and that our best bet in finding her is using her powers. Enthusiastically I reply, "Yes Diana! Find mommy!" Diana's eyes glow the beautiful orchid color that has astounded the wesen world the moment she was born. Now all we have to do is wait.

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