Chapter 4: Family First...

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The next morning I awaken to a sickness brewing in my stomach and the sweet scent of coffee drifting over from the kitchen. I gulp, trying my best to keep the acrid taste of vomit inside my mouth. Nick looks up from his place in the kitchen, carrying two mugs of piping hot coffee over to our bed, he sits down and hands me a cup, "Is everything alright?" He says as his brow furrows. I close my eyes and take a sip of the coffee, relishing the warmth and the perfect blend before answering with a smile, "It's perfect." He smiles as he takes a sip of his coffee, I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder, "I love you", I whisper, "I love you more", he chuckles before taking another sip of his coffee. I look up into his jade green eyes, reaching up to press my lips into his, he kisses me back with the same amount of passion that I have for him. Diana's small voice breaks us apart, "Mommy I'm hungry", she calls, I hold back a smile as me and Nick look shyly into our mugs, as if we were caught by our parents kissing on the porch after dark. I hand Nick my coffee cup and get up to tend to Diana, "Let's get dressed first sweetie okay?" I say as I pick out a purple dress with glitter all over it and head to the bathroom with Diana's hand in mine. As I help Diana into her dress I look over into the kitchen where Nick is now holding Kelly's little hand dancing around the kitchen, I can't help but laugh, "I don't think mommy likes our dancing Kelly!" Nick exclaims pointing at me and Diana so Kelly can see, he giggles. "I love your dancing! Are you crazy!" I chuckle, grabbing hold of Diana's hand and twirling her around the floor. Diana giggles as we head toward the kitchen to join Nick and Kelly, he drops Kelly's hand and takes hold of Diana's twirling her about the kitchen as Kelly and her laugh wildly. I smile widely, laughing all the while as I see Nick be the father I always knew he would be. "Okay! Okay!" I chuckle through tears of joy, "What do you want for breakfast Diana?" "But mommy!" Diana drawls sadly, Nick pipes in joyfully, "It's okay Diana honey. After all we can't dance on an empty stomach can we?" He says wearing a big goofy smile, swaying his hips to a rhythm only he knows. She looks up at him with a wide smile, "Okay daddy", she says. My heart swells with joy as I hear Diana call Nick daddy, for months Diana refused to call him by anything other than  his first name and it seemed as if she might never see Nick the way she seen her real father Sean Reynard, before he died. With Nick preoccupied with a squirming and giggling Kelly and Diana entranced by her brothers contagious laughter, I realize the breakfast menu is all up to me as I start fumbling around the kitchen for the ingredients to make pancakes, laying the flour, milk, and eggs on the counter as Nick puts Kelly in his highchair and helps Diana put on an apron. "Mommy can we put strawberries on our pancakes?" Diana asks quizzically as she whips together the pancake batter. "Honey we don't have strawberries here...maybe next time?" I say with a nervous glance towards Nick who is too busy digging in the cupboards for the griddle to notice. Diana's eyes glow a vibrant orchid purple, "But I want strawberries!" She yells as she uncontrollably lifts a glass cup with her mind and sends it shattering into the far wall, Kelly begins to wail at the sudden sharp noise. "Diana!" I exclaim, Nick finally jumps up and takes a hold of Diana lifting her up into his arms, "Sweetie you can't be using your powers like could have hurt someone honey...", he soothes as Diana begins to cry. I look towards Nick as he cradles Diana, realizing Kelly's still crying I rush over to his blue highchair and lift him up into my arms, "Shhh! Shhhh! I'm here Kelly...shhh...I'm here", I coo as I rub his back to get him calmed down. Diana, no longer wailing meekly calls out, "I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean too." I turn around to face Diana, I give her a sympathetic look, "I know honey. I know. Tell you what how about I run to the store real quick and pick up some strawberries? How does that sound?" I say, placing a now calm Kelly back into his highchair. I quickly grab my purse and shove on my favorite grey wool sweater, the one I wore all the time when I was pregnant with Kelly, and walk toward Nick. With Diana still in his arms he looks down and gives me a peck on the lips, "I'll be right back...I love you", I say, "And I love you too", I say to Diana giving her a peck on the cheek before heading in the direction of the elevator. As it rattles close I have no idea what creature will be waiting for me when I reach the bottom, maybe it was because I thought we weren't being watched anymore, let alone being followed.

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