Chapter 11: Never Leaving You

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(Nick's perspective) I rush over to where my cars parked on the street, as I reach out for the handle a splatter of red catches my eye, "Monroe!" I call over my shoulder. "What is it?" He says rushing over. His eyes go wide as he takes in the crimson color, "Nick...that doesn't mean...." he begins, "I know!" I seethe cutting him off, "He was here...right here....he took her when I was just up there" I point. My eyes go wide as I realize the view I have of our apartment from this angle. I can see Rosalee fixing Diana pancakes as she holds onto a bawling Kelly, a look of horror dawns on my face, "That bastard was watching us!" "What!" Monroe exclaims, "Yeah Monroe look..." I say as I point in the direction of my apartment. He lets out a gasp as he clearly sees his wife in the kitchen, "No...". "Do you think you could track him?" I say pointing at Adalind's blood. His face goes serious as he gives me a firm nod, "Then let's go!" I say as I scramble into my car. As I revv up the engine Monroe begins to roll down the window. His face ripples as he woges into a Blutbad, "Take this right", he says as we approach an intersection. We follow the trail for another five miles until we end up in the wooded countryside, at the same house me and Adalind had searched just a few nights ago. I quickly put the car in park and before Monroe can fully woge back into a human I'm running up the dirt path, closing the distance between the door and me. I slam my right shoulder into the door, disregarding the pain as the door gives way to darkness. I frantically look around, willing my eyes to adjust already, "Adalind!" I yell, "Adalind! Honey are you here?" The only answer is a small chuckle and the glint of two yellow pearly eyes. " have finally arrived Grimm. I wondered how much longer it would take you to find your wife's..." Before he can even finish his sentence I rush forward and tackle him to the floor, blood flies everywhere as I beat his head in with my fist. As I cock my fist back again I pause to stare into his sick eyes, he quickly uses my moment of hesitation against me as he rolls over and unleashes a fury of quick swipes, digging gashes into my back, shredding my shirt to pieces. "Is that all you have Grimm?" He spits. I lunge forward on my built up adrenaline, missing his jaw by merely an inch, an inch to far to connect with my fist, I tumble over and crash into a table, splintering it to pieces but not before he has slashed three cuts into my face. I reach up and touch the tender skin, as I pull my hand away I see the shimmer of blood between my fingers. Slowly I glance around and pick up a shard of wood from the splintered table, I hold it tightly in my hand. With anger building in my blood, I pick myself up off the floor and rush at him again, this time I catch him and shove the piece of wood into his chest on our way down to the floor. He lets out a snarl as he wrenches my hand off the end of the wood, I fall over as I feel pain shoot into my arm, no doubt it's broken. I look down menacingly at the dying creature at my feet as his chest heaves for oxygen, I feel no remorse for him. A call from somewhere inside the house breaks me away from the Balam. I rush over to where Monroe's waiting by a door, cradling my arm I reach out and wrench it open, rushing down the stairs two by two. I look around fervently, my heart stops as I see blood all over the floor, and there she lays, a blonde haired lump on the bloodstained floor. I kneel down beside her, I don't even know how I got over here, I just know that this woman is my world and she's not moving, "Adalind?" I cry as I reach through her blood crusted hair to try and find her pulse. The world seems to go quiet as I feel for the faint flutter of her heartbeat. I finally exhale as I feel it faintly thump, "Adalind....I'm getting you out of here honey....", I murmur as I struggle to pick her up with my broken arm. Monroe who must have followed me down here, puts his arms out to help me carry her but I push past him, "Nick...", he begins, "I'm not leaving her ever again", I say with malice in my eyes.

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