Chapter 3: Home Sweet Home

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Upon our return to the loft we find our dearest friends Rosalee and Monroe fast asleep on the couch, Diana and Kelly tucked soundly in their beds. We carefully tiptoe into the kitchen hoping not to make to much noise and wake up our guests and the children, especially Kelly who has been having trouble teething lately. The slightest creak in the floorboards sends our hopes down the drain as Monroe and Rosalee both snap to their feet, fully woged in their furry wesen counterparts, a Fuchsbaus and a Blutbad. Quickly they realize it's just us and return back to their normal human features, "My god Nick you scared us. A little bit of a warning next time would suffice", Monroe whispers sharply as Rosalee nods in agreement, "Yeah Nick what the hell were you thinking that could have ended badly...we could have hurt you and...Adalind?" Rosalee questions, quite puzzled that I might have tagged along on such a dangerous journey. Nick chuckles softly, "I doubt you would have hurt me Monroe. I can't thank you two enough for watching over the kids", Nick says as Monroe quickly begins to question him about the nights events. Rosalee with a look of concern breaks off and pulls me away for a moment, her eyes say it all as she begins to speak, "Adalind what the hell are you doing! Going out there to face wesen with Nick it's too dangerous you should know that!" She exclaims softly. I look into her eyes knowing full well what she'll have to say and of course she's going to be right, "In your condition you should be getting plenty of rest and eating proper meals not being scared half to death out dealing with wesen all night." I know full well what "my condition" is I've just been to concerned about my husband not returning to his children and leaving us all alone that I haven't had time to settle down and relax. Her eyes soften as she lowers her voice to barely above a whisper, "You have told him right?" She says searching my eyes wildly. I try to look away but she keeps her eyes locked on mine, "No. I just haven't had time..." I say meekly as she throws her hands up into the air in exasperation, "This is not something you can wait on forever sooner or later he's going to find out", she says encouragingly as she places a hand on my shoulder. "It's not a bad thing Adalind. Nick is going to be so happy...I know I'm happy for you", she says as Monroe's voice pipes in, "What are we so happy about?" Rosalee gives Monroe a playful dagger-like look, knowing well enough what that look means Monroe's eyes finally catch up to what his wife was saying. His eyes get big, "Oh yes. We are very happy for you Adalind. And you as well Nick. We are so very happy and...look at the time we really should be heading home", he rambles nervously, trying to keep from spilling a secret. Nick looks from me to Rosalee to Monroe, feeling the awkwardness in the room Nick shrugs it off with a smile, "Yes you best be off. It is quite late and me and Adalind could really use the rest. Thanks again guys", he says as we lead them to the elevator and say our goodbyes. Rosalee wraps me in a tight hug pressing her lips against my ear, "Please tell him", she says before breaking away and stepping onto the elevator. She gives me a faint smile before the elevator doors close and whisk away our friends in the dead of night. Nick turns to me, "That was odd don't you think", he says giving a small smile at the quirkiness of his oldest friend Monroe. As we shuffle through the kitchen and into our bedroom I feel the burden of my secret pulling at my heart, I can't keep it from him any longer, "Nick...I've been wanting to tell you..." I begin but Diana's soft cries rouse me from my train of thought and pull me toward her bedside. "What is it Diana?" I say soothingly as I gingerly sit down and wrap my daughter into a hug. Nick shuffles over and pulls me and Diana closer to his chest, "Diana it's okay honey...Nothing is going to hurt you ever again I promise", Nick whispers encouragingly, my heart pulls, seeping with love as I know Nick is always true to his word. After a few minutes Diana's tears seize as she drifts off into a deep sleep, knowing me and Nick will be here at her bedside if she needs anything at all. We tuck her in and each give her a kiss on the forehead before Nick wraps his arm around me and leads us to our bed. My eyes grow more weary as we are just inches from passing out on our bed. Nick pulls me around, we are merely just inches from each other's lips, "What is it you wanted to tell me?" He says meekly, eyes already closed to half slits. With a heavy heart I reply, "Oh it's nothing important. It can wait till tomorrow okay?" I say, knowing fully well I should have just told him tonight. Slowly we slip into bed and without missing a beat we both fall fast asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow, unbeknownst to us that the creature from the woods was watching our loft from the street down below.

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