Chapter 9: Not Alone

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(Back at the loft-Nick's perspective) I stare at Diana, waiting for her eyes to go from orchid to blue, signaling that she has come back to us. In a slit second she lets out a blood curdling scream as her eyes fade to blue, tears streaming freshly down her face, "Diana...honey what's wrong!" I call out as I wrap her into my arms. Diana whimpers, trying to form words through her unrelenting tears, "He.....he.....he's hurting mommy!" She cries. My heart races, this bastard doesn't know who he's messing with, I'll kill him. "Where is she Diana? Where is mommy?" I push, trying not to make Diana upset again. Diana tries to keep her tears from spilling down her cheeks, "Mommy said.....she was in a basement", she sniffles, "She said to tell you it was the Balam". I get to my feet quickly and grab my jacket before I bolt out the door, feeling numb all the way down the elevator, I didn't even realize Monroe had followed me. "Nick! Nick! Come on! Where are you even going?" He presses, rushing to catch up to me. I spin on my heel to face him, "You heard her Monroe! He's hurting Adalind! I would rather run around the whole city...hell I would rather run around the whole planet trying to find this bastard than let him kill Adalind." Monroe winces as if I've slapped him, "But that's it Nick! She's not dead...she's holding on...for you...for the kids...she's strong and we will find her...but you can't do this alone...let me help you", he pleads, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I look at Monroe sympathetically and give him a firm nod. He's right, I can't do this alone. I'll need his help if I want to bring my Adalind back home alive.

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