2. Dance Battle

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You sit down with the other masters. You are exhausted after the long day but you are sure the trainees must be even more tired.

You and the masters all agreed that choosing the top 9 was not going to be easy. After some deciding between Ezaki Hikaru, Kawagachi Yurina, and Kuwahara Ayana, you guys decided on Ayana. You guys chose her for P9 because despite her being apart of the maknae line, she led her partner well for the first stage. You guys respected her even more because she came here as an individual trainee, meaning that she didn't have the support of an established company behind her.

When deciding who caught the masters' eyes for P8, Sunmi mentioned Cai Bing and Tiffany suggested Fu Yaning. Both you and dance master Jang Juhee agreed with Sunmi and found Cai Bing to be really charming as well. After careful consideration, P8 went to Cai Bing.

All the masters were in agreement that Choi Yujin should be in the top 9 and that's how P7 was chosen.

You also suggested Seo Youngeun, Jeong Jiyoon, Sui Ruiqi and Shen Xiaoting

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You also suggested Seo Youngeun, Jeong Jiyoon, Sui Ruiqi and Shen Xiaoting. The masters all agreed that they were top 9 material and they all ended up making it in.

The masters finished their selection and gave the list to the PD's. You guys were now free to go. As tired as you were, you wanted to stay and see Cai Bing some more but you realized how unrealistic that would be and went to find your manager. You hoped that filming would end soon so all the trainees would get some well deserved rest.

A few days have now passed. Before the interim check at the GP999 campus, your first schedule was the dance battle. You arrive to the filming site with your manager, eager and excited to see everyone again.

When you first met with the PD's of the show before filming began, they wanted to know which of the side events you would be interested in participating in. They planned for a dance battle, a fashion show, and potentially a live stream for the finalists. You told them that you would be happy to do any of them as they all sounded really fun. The PD's asked if you could participate in all three and you gladly accepted.

It was now the day of the dance battle and you were excited as you made your way onto the stage with the dance masters

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It was now the day of the dance battle and you were excited as you made your way onto the stage with the dance masters. Mihawk and Juhee started dancing the O.O.O choreography as they entered and you began to dance too. You guys then joined the girls on stage and finished dancing the rest of the song.

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