11. Coincidence

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After the initial shock of the unexpected message and picture, you look up from your phone and stare into the distance.

Honestly, you couldn't tell if she was flirting with you or just being friendly. This was a dilemma you faced quite often and your members would often tease you because of how oblivious you are.

You've been pursued by a few idols before. You've found phone numbers in your Inkigayo strawberry sandwich, back when that was a thing, and phone numbers in signed albums from other groups that were given to you in the waiting rooms of music shows.

After you and your group were allowed to get a public Instagram account, you received dms from celebrities in different industries.

Sometimes, you wouldn't reply at all if you were scared to reject them. With guys who immediately expressed their romantic interest in you, you politely declined and told them that you weren't looking to date right now. While that may have been true, they were also not your type.

With girls, you had always thought that they were just being friendly with you until they told you that they were interested in you romantically. You would politely decline them too and you told them that you weren't looking for a relationship at the moment.

When you still had a dating ban, you would politely decline and use the dating ban as an excuse. Now, you no longer have a dating ban and while you have had small crushes on certain girls in the past, you never had the burning desire to pursue them and date them romantically.

For the majority of your career, you had been far too busy to even have time to date. Of course, you have thought of certain idols and celebrities to be extremely pretty but they were just a crush. You haven't fallen for anyone enough to want to risk everything like your fans, your reputation, and your career to pursue someone and potentially date them.

You snap out of your thoughts and look back down at your phone. Still unsure of Jiwon's intentions but you won't ever be sure unless she flat out tells you. You begin to type your response.

Goodnight Jiwon sleep well!                                                                                 

You go back to opening and responding to your other messages. You reopen the BLACKPINK group chat and ask your unnies what their plans are for tomorrow. You tell them that you'll be spending the break at your studio working on your projects and tell them to drop by if they're ever at the agency.

Lisa responds saying that she'll see you soon since she'll also be at the agency gearing up and practicing for her solo debut.

You put your phone on your nightstand and turn off the lights in your room. You knock out pretty quickly after your head hits the pillow.

After getting ready in the morning, you throw on some comfortable sweats and a hat before packing your bag to go to the studio. This is the bag that travelled the world with you and went with you to every single promotion schedule. You are also the brand ambassador for Prada so it only made sense that this was your go-to bag.

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