In the Depths

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Hello ! Thank you so much for reading/voting on my stories! I'm so grateful ☺️ I just wanted to notify readers beforehand that this story in particular has a few mysteries in it that are supposed to leave you kind of wondering what's going on. As the story progresses though it will slowly introduce clues until it all makes sense in the end

So if at some point you are feeling lost and confused, don't worry that's what's intended ☺️ 

I really hope you enjoy 💙


The pain.

It was so immense your body screamed and your ears rang.

The waves of sea water came smashing against the rocks creating a violent mist over you as you stood there paralyzed.

It drenched your hair and whipped it around in all directions. Your eyes were burning from the tears.

You were really going to do it. For revenge. 

If you couldn't have the life you wanted, you didn't want it at all.

You knew it was the only thing you could do to get back at him. The only thing which would really make him regret his decisions.

You looked at the torrent of sea water mixing and writhing below. The sight was both terrifying and beautiful.

The pools shifted to turquoise at moments when the light dared to pierce it but soon vanishing back under the dark clouds.

As the light faded the waters returned to that hollow grey.

You were almost in a trance as you watched it.

"Y/N!!" You heard somebody yelling as they came running down from the skies. You looked over your shoulder, beautiful stinging eyes connecting with panicked red ones.

It was Hermes.

He had never looked so frantic before as he saw what you were planning.

Your white dress blew up like some haunting image as he realized what were to occur. Even the fleet-footed God weren't fast enough to intervene.

Time stood still as he watched you take your last step vanishing off the high cliff.

His eyes widened with terror. 


When your body submerged the impact stung and the pressures were difficult to endure.

The current immediately pulled you under and from below you watched as the light grew dim. You dared to reach out one last time before shutting your eyes.

You drifted into a dream like state as your long hair whirled delicately through the waters preparing for the end.

The pressures eventually forced the air from your lungs as you were pulled deeper and deeper.

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