In the Depths (Part 11)

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The next time the Gods all saw you, you were walking down the aisle.

Many years had passed and it wasn't long before Poseidon asked you to be his.

You would forever be at Poseidon's side for he offered you his heart even if it were rumored to be pure ice.

Many were shocked at how he was the same ill-tempered God with everyone else but when it came to you.. he was almost soft.

He was extremely protective even over others glances.

You had grown to love him deeply for he never ceased to care for you.

Your lips were painted red and your gorgeous gown caught the light in haunting ways. 

They couldn't help but stare at the two of you together for you were both stunning.

Your insides fluttered for this was really the God of the Sea..

Such a gorgeous God really wanted you for his own keeping.

You wanted to belong to him. To dive into the depths.

Zeus had given his blessings of course and permitted you back your freedoms now that you had followed your chosen paths.

Aphrodite never looked so proud as she saw how natural you two looked together.

Poseidon kissed you so passionately as he dipped you forward.

Your heart fluttered as he took your hand sliding a stunning jewel onto your finger.

You did the same for him but with a ring which dimmed in comparison. He still examined his finger and smiled at you.

It warmed your heart seeing him this way for it weren't often you saw him smile.

Many gifts were given from each of the Gods and Goddesses as they all gave their blessings and merrily toasted to the celebration.

Upon visiting with your old friends there was one in particular who awaited your company.

He was a stray shadow in the back but when your eyes met he carried a sad smile.

Poseidon gave you a nod and you steadily approached. Upon getting closer you gave in running up and hugging Hermes as he took you in.

You almost cried as you two had missed each others presence yet ultimately travelled down different paths.

"I'm just thankful you are happy" he whispered holding the back of your head gently.

As you two separated he gazed at you up and down with amazement as well with subtle sadness.

"You look stunning.. absolutely stunning" he admitted.

You felt another shadow loom over you as Poseidon came over.

"Alright I think she gets it Hermes" he commented with a subtle sarcastic tone.

Both you and Hermes laughed and he shook his head before looking back to you.

"I've brought you something" He pulled a small box from behind his back pocket.

You were instantly allured and Poseidon had a funny look on his face as he tried not to make any more snide comments. 

You opened it to find a delicate necklace with a silvery caduceus pendent. 

You looked up at Hermes who's expression melted your heart.

"To remember me by"

Poseidon wanted to roll his eyes. "Yeah because she's going to forget about you Hermes"

You giggled at the remark but thanked Hermes for the beautiful gift. He could see already that you cherished it.

Poseidon gave him another funny look but remembered to stay quiet as he placed his hand on the middle of your back.

Even the God of the Sea could subdue his temper in exchange for the peace it brought you.

He pushed his hair back taking in the moment for he never anticipated someone so special as you becoming his. 

He vowed to always protect you. He would stand against anything for you were his light.


~ Note to readers ~

Hope you all enjoyed, I also have a Thor x Reader on my page as well a Loki x Reader


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