In the Depths (Part 6)

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You knew you were going to meet your doom when you tripped through the dirt.

You raised your arms ready for impact but it never came.

A hand caught the back of your dress preventing you from doing so.

Poseidon stood with one hand reached backward holding onto you.

A loud ripple of thunder roared scaring the life out of you but Poseidon didn't falter one bit.

You glanced to where the ocean lay noticing how its waves grew vicious like a storm of its own were brewing in response to the skies.

Both sea and sky mirrored one another flowing with their angers.

A sudden bolt of lightning came down and you were dropped as Poseidon moved his trident to absorb the strike.

Panting you looked up from the dust as Poseidon stood over you protectively.

Your eyes were so wide.

No one had ever stood up against Zeus as boldly as he.

You were shocked he was even defending you.

"Go to the waters" he ordered pointing for the sea.

You could see a whirlpool forming by his command and ran into the ocean splashing until you were frantically swimming.

The dress grew quite heavy as the water seeped into its fabrics.

The sky started to rain and you glanced back to see Poseidon's hair getting soaked whilst he held his battle stance. 

Like an absolute power house he moved faster than the lightning deflecting each powerful strike which came down on him.

You treaded toward the whirlpool and despite the fears in your heart you trusted in Poseidon's word allowing it to take you in.

 You squeezed your eyes shut momentarily only to realize it wasn't going to pull you under. Instead upon entering its radius it rather kept you afloat safely.


The voice boomed and you flinched as a bolt came down from the sky.

You squeezed your eyes shut but the strike never came as water lifted you into the air quickly. Whilst falling the water formed a strange barrier around you without directly touching you.

The strike hit the water causing it to evaporate in a hot mist and you fell back into the waves.

As the water engulfed you the weight of your dress pulled you down causing you to sink.

Poseidon's head jerked your way and he outstretched his hand.

You held your breath when a sudden current pushed from below sending you back to the surface where you gasped and choked for air.

Poseidon being caught off-guard was immediately struck by a bolt of lightning and he dropped his trident as the energy surged through his body painfully.

Record of Ragnarok Poseidon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now