In the Depths (Part 3)

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The next morning Aphrodite was the first to see you when you finally drew from Hermes chambers.

Her sentient eyes were on you as she delved into your fragile mind. She could feel and understand things which others simply could not.

Things like overbearing emotions which she envisioned like as a whirlpool within you.

Your eyes met hers and she looked upon you as a mother does their own child.

"Y/n.. Why is it your heart is always so solemn" she directed her words your way.

You were a little caught off guard and your eyes kept to the floor shaking your head.

"I suppose I don't enjoy not knowing where my own life is headed"

"Is that all?" she tilted her head.

Her words made your body tense.

"Nothing to do with men I don't suppose" she turned her head though her eyes remained knowingly.

You nervously drew closer so she'd keep her voice down.

"You know it's unfair when you use your powers on others Aphrodite"

"One doesn't need powers to see you are troubled"

Someone new entered the room stopping you two from continuing.

"Father Zeus is glad you are back safely" Athena stated with a small smile.

"Tell him thank you Athena" you nodded politely though a deep concern bubbled within wondering just what he had been lead to believe.

Had he known the truth the heavens would be rumbling by now.

Athena smiled and she was gone just as quickly as she arrived flying off like a sparrow. 

Aphrodite waited a moment before leaning into you.

You wished she would just drop it but once she had her sights set she could not resist.

"Forgive me dear, but am I wrong to suggest that one's life can hold varying paths... one should not feel restricted in this way" she felt deep temptation to say something further but resisted.

You fidgeted avoiding her gaze yet you listened to her words.

She knew they had sunk in and smiled.

"I have a gift for you" she changed the subject.

She left and returned with a narrow box. You were quite curious as you gazed on it in wonder. You opened it to find a beautiful gown inside. You promised yourself last night you'd stop crying and yet here you were wanting to again.

"Why?" you looked at her at a loss for words.

"Do I need a reason to give you gifts?" she frowned.

Your eyes watered a little admiring all the intricate details of the fabrics. It looked as though it were made of pure love.

"When the one who loves you deeper than any sky, earth, or sea finds you wearing this, you will know to whom your heart belongs" she mentioned allusively.

It gave you chills just thinking of it. You gave her a hug while she kissed the top of your head.

"I love you y/n, and I want to see you happy, truly" she admitted with a look that confused you.

She left you with her gift knowing you'd cherish it.


Hermes waited at the side of Zeus assisting with his daily duties. His mind drifted to you but there was one thing which had bothered him since your return.

Why had Poseidon of all the Gods come to your aid? Furthermore, what exactly went on during the time you spent in his domain.

"Tell me Hermes what is so deep on your mind that you've heedlessly ignored my words for the last twenty minutes" Zeus spoke up startling Hermes from his dazedness.

"My apologies, it's nothing" he cleared his throat straightening up.


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