In the Depths (Part 10)

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~Warning mature read~


He didn't move a muscle nor say a word as he continued watching you.

You started to shake and kept your head low as you fought the tears.

When you saw the statue he had made of you it brought out quite the reaction.

"There it is again" He commented reaching both his hands up taking your shoulders as he stood behind you. 

Your heart started thumping. Lately he had started touching you in small subtle ways. It made your insides twirl each time he did.

He stayed motionless and silent behind you.

"Is that a good reaction" he whispered in your ear.

You were stunned as you nearly forgot about the statue for he himself was so distracting.

"It's beautiful" you uttered shyly.

"An accurate representation" he mentioned finally drawing back to let you catch your breath. You tried to play if off like he hadn't effected you in such a way but he saw past it.

Was he completely unaware to the fact or had he been taking pleasure toying with you as he did.

He had an underlying glint to his eyes which made you wonder. He looked like he wanted to do things to you yet patiently held back until you were ready.

Each night the two of you went to bed you would change into your little night gowns and nervously lie next to him.

His breathing was always so calming. Like listening to the ocean.

You'd both be quiet until you'd turn on your side finding it easier to sleep with your back to him.

On one particular evening he was nowhere to be found. You were in bed drifting in and out of sleep when you heard the door open. You sat up to see his body drenched with water and almost panting like he'd been in a fight.

Nervously you sat up scooting toward the edge of the bed wondering if he were alright. He proceeded to come toward you and stopped looking down at you with hunger in his eyes.

You knew what that look meant and didn't falter.

You were nervous as his muscular abdomen slowly lowered over you. He pressed his body between your thighs and his hand gently pushed your torso back down on the bed.

You were tense but the heat from his body felt good against you. You couldn't escape if you wanted to for he was strong and heavy.

His hands found your breasts as he freely squeezed at them making you soften under his touch.

He proceeded to tare your shirt open and expose your skin.

His lower half pushed between your legs teasing you from between your clothing.

"Tell me to stop" he whispered between kissing your vulnerable neck.

"Don't. I want this" you admitted daring to slide your fingers through his wet golden hair.

With that he grabbed your hips and flipped you on your stomach.

He grabbed your hair pulling you onto your hands and knees as he undid the skirt around his hips.

Your heart raced hearing his clothes come off as he hastily pulled down your panties.

His huge member slid between your legs teasingly.

You looked down wide eyed as it measured nearly to your stomach.

He smirked to himself as he positioned himself at your entrance and pushed into your body for he couldn't restrain his eagerness.

You groaned in slight pain as he pushed deeper inside you than one should go.

He leaned in close to your ear.

"Am I too big for you?" He whispered driving you crazy.

Despite the overwhelming size you shook your head biting your lip for you weren't about to stop him now.

"Good" he whispered dirtily before mashing against you.

You whimpered as he picked up the pace rearranging your insides.

He held onto what remained of your dress like a belt keeping you in place as he worked against you roughly.

He smirked at how well you were taking it despite the size difference.

He proceeded to grab your thigh and guide you slightly to the side so he could get a better angle.

Your boobs bounced as he picked up the pace making you sweat from the tension building up.

It started to feel like ecstasy once getting over the initial pain. You climaxed under him as he held you firmly in place.

You could feel his member throbbing inside as he got closer.

He pulled you tighter cumming inside of you as he lightly finished between deep thrusts.

You dropped down beside his heavenly body in awe at what you'd just done with him. 

He was only a little out of breath but quite enjoyed the intimacy.

His smirk lingered for he had wanted to do that to you for centuries.

He proceeded to gently lie down next to you and pull you into his muscular arms. His strong hand stroked through your hair lulling you to sleep. 


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