In the Depths (Part 8)

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You can't recall what ignited his anger

Perhaps it was your lingering love for Hermes

It came at you like a storm

Your eyes filled with fear as you watched it consume him until all rationalities escaped him

He intended to show you how peace-less he could be

He dragged you for the surface to one of his islands

You tripped through the sand as he pulled at you profusely

"Until you come to terms to whom it is you belong! You shall endure my punishment! 

He dropped you causing you to fall forward in the sand.

His eyes had gone white as his anger seethed taking to the skies.

He looked like the most frightful deity as he cursed the skies with his hurricane. 

His phantom eyes were the last thing you saw before the waves travelled out swarming around his body.

The tyrant vanished into the deep leaving you exposed to the storm.

The air grew furiously cold and the skies darkened beyond your beliefs.

The wind whirled leaving you shivering with nothing to cover yourself by.

You wore nothing but a dainty night gown as the freezing rain drenched everything.

You shivered profusely realizing this might really be the end..

Your eyes scanned the dark water surrounded area. 

Wherever he had brought you he sought it for its desolate qualities.

It was like a prison of his choosing.

You squeezed your arms tight against your body to preserve your warmth though you could see your own breath in the air.

In an instant you felt something warm over your shoulders as you looked up to see Hermes hovering above.

Never had you been so grateful to see him as you leapt up into his arms.

He was hesitant at first but the desires in his heart let him engulf you with his embrace.

The two of you stayed like that for a moment holding each other tightly.

He took you by the shoulders guiding you for a cave where you could seek shelter.

His eyes were constantly glancing back toward the ocean wary of who might lurk.

It was unwise to linger here for long.

He kissed your forehead and placed his finger over your lips to hush you. 

He silently waved caduceus sending you to sleep. He sighed wishing he could take you with him. At least he brought you from harm's way. 

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