In the Depths (Part 4)

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You tried the gown on in Aphrodite's room to prevent anyone seeing.

Gazing upon the mirror's image you were taken aback.

The dress looked to be made of translucent crystal it were so stunning.

It disturbed you momentarily as though you'd caught a glimpse of your own future.

Your hand reached out as your mind played momentary tricks on you.

The mirror rippled like water and you imagined yourself at someone's side. Your eyes immediately cast down.

"Where is it that you got that gown?" a voice startled you.

You turned to see Zeus had appeared in the room finally deciding to speak with you.

"A gift from Aphrodite"

He was quiet as his eyes lingered on the dress.

You felt nervous he had found something out though you didn't know what.

It had been this way for a long time. You were always hiding something from him living in fear of punishment.

The Father of Gods was known to be harsh in his disciplines. Especially with those who disobey.

You could never quite see his eyes beneath those bushy brows yet could feel them burning into your soul.

"Thank you" you bowed slightly though it was difficult to get the words out. Thankful was the last emotion you felt towards him.

"You've been gone quite some time.." He walked by you with his hands behind his back.

" I thought I once even caught a glimpse of you with my brother.. How strange that is" he laughed yet his mind lingered on the thought making you nervous.

"Strange indeed. I haven't seen Hades since the last major gathering of the Gods" you made the assumption to throw him off.

He was ever silent.

"Not Hades. Poseidon." He looked at you.

You tensed yet did everything in your power to hide it.

"Him either" you returned cooly.

"What's even more precarious.. was Hermes" he strolled further.

You could feel thin beads of sweat forming on your forehead.

"His behavior whilst you were away was none I've ever seen before. You two aren't making a fool of me behind my back now are you? You know I forbid such relations"

You felt yourself squirming on the inside but sternly shook your head.

"Of course not" you bowed slight as an excuse not to look him in the eye.

These tricky ways of countering him were all taught to you by Hermes himself.

How else could one gain the nerve to lie to the God of the Skies.

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