In the Depths (Part 9)

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Upon arriving back to his domain he was quick to bring food offerings for you had been neglected of such.

"Only if you eat with me" you looked him in the eyes.

He had a serious expression but nodded nonetheless gathering a plate for himself. 

After previous occurrences you knew better than to turn a blind eye to him.  

You seated yourself as he went to grab his own chair. You watched as he brought it next to yours and sat closely.

You nibbled at your food in silence. As he took a bite of his own he noticed the small smile on your face.

"What's the matter?"

"Hmm?" You looked up meeting his side eye.

"Nothing.. just.. this is nice" you looked back down enjoying the moment. 

It was your first meal together.

He was quiet as he studied you from the side before going back to his food.

When you two were done you sat up quickly taking his dish for him and leaving off with the errand in the other room.

He watched in silence as you made yourself at home more than you had before.

You wiped at the dishes studying them as you did so. Even his plates were made of precious artifacts. They looked like some rare type of pearl.

Slightly mesmerized by the plate you suddenly gasped dropping the dish from your hands.

You were frozen in place as it shattered allover the floor.

You could feel the heat from his body radiating closely behind yours.

His hand faintly touched at your hair before dropping to his side.

It brushed your hip on the way down making you shiver.

The closeness had you holding your breath as your heart thumped.

"Am I making you nervous" he ever so slightly raised a golden brow.

If that was his attempt at humor you didn't want it.

You turned around to say something only to have his muscular chest close in your face.

You glanced away doing your best to clear your mind and cool down.

Why was he doing this to you. He knew how intimidating it was.

"Y/n." His voice uttered and it was like you didn't hear a word. 

He kept leaned close to you trapping you from moving elsewhere.

"I can bring you happiness, if you'll allow it"

His words stunned you into silence for you didn't know how to respond.

Did he mean that romantically?

"This world.." He trailed.

"It's been quite a bore to me. Although.. watching you through out the centuries has drawn my eye whether I like it or not. I'm afraid that you are one of my only interests" he admitted solemnly.

His words made you shiver for his confession was almost haunting.

You had caught the eye of the God of the Sea.

He was of two minds on saying something further but ultimately ceased to continue.

"I'll be gone for the duration of the day perhaps even longer" he suddenly stated gaining back his seriousness.

You had yet to utter a word as you nodded.

He began to turn but lastly looked over his shoulder.

"I hope you will find something to occupy yourself with, if there's anything I can ever get you from the surface just let me know and it's yours"

You were left with a small smile for his dedications to you.

When you heard he had gone you let out the air you'd been holding. Your head completely stopped working having him that close at hand. 

Lately he had been getting into your head in ways you'd never imagined.. 


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