In the Depths (Part 5)

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Artemis and Aphrodite congregated another of their usual festivities. Music lulled through the air channeling through the halls.

The music always gave you goosebumps for its melodies carried strange energies.

You could hear the sound of voices as had gathered for the evening.

The familiar scent of enticing perfumes filled the air and you could hear the clinking of wine-filled cups.

Aphrodite was clinging to Ares muscular arm like some sort of ornament.

Her flirty eyes were focused on locating you as she awaited your entrance.

Hermes stood tall and proper as usual and he brushed the raven hair from his eyes as he visited with the various gods.

He subtly wondered why you weren't here yet.

His eyes travelled to Zeus who was already quite drunk off the wine.

Perhaps he would get to be alone with you this evening..

All the Gods and Goddesses had been invited and you couldn't help but wonder if he would be here..

You got ready in your own room seeing that Hermes suggested taking more precautions after what had happened with Zeus.

He thought it best to not risk any uproars so the two of you hadn't lied together in a while.

You slipped into the dress which Aphrodite had gifted you and you stood  staring in the mirror like some kind of ghost.

You were unable to move as her words rang through your head.

In all honesty it wasn't your desire to even leave this room. You didn't want to uncover the truth to her riddle.

What if it were Hermes. 

What if it weren't Hermes? 

You were so frightened you couldn't move an inch.


A few hours had drifted by before Aphrodite finally perked up with interest.

Her eyes met your shy figure.

You were so frightened to look up.

You didn't even want to see the reactions though you could feel all eyes on you taking in the sight of your beauty.

The dress you wore was recognized and shocked many.

Aphrodite was committed.

She saw your shy demeanor and gave Ares a peck on the cheek before leaving his side.

She walked up to you and you felt a little easier not having to stand alone.

You reached out taking her hand nervously and she looked gave you a gentle smile.

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