Prologue Part 1: The Escape

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2772, The distant planet of Freleng.

On Freleng, the alien race and it's creatures were living in peace, under the rule of pacifistic princess Zadavia, and the strong, fearless Optimatus. It was a powerful planet even with a military power to be reckoned with lead by the smart veteran general Deuce. 

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(Art done by my friend ACEZ133)

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(Art done by my friend ACEZ133)

But however, things would change for the worse, when overtime Zadavia's brother Optimatus would grow envious and forge an evil plan.

Zadavia: *is quiet on her throne, concerned* 

Frelengian: *rushes in* Princess! Princess!! 

Zadavia: *suddenly gets up in surprise* What is wrong young one?

Frelengian: Your brother..Prince Optimatus, he's...

Zadavia: He's what? Please tell me!

Frelengian: He's formed an army to overthrow you! Deuce and his forces are holding them off but many are already on their way here!

before the Frelengian could go on however, robotic drones stormed through the windows and blasted at some guards

Zadavia panic and kept a steady stare as the smoke cleared and there stood her brother Optimatus, who had now turned on her.

Zadavia: Optimatus, what is the meaning of this!? 

Optimatus: for the betterment of this planet, sister. The Frelengians will not be a weak frail species, it has the potential of being the most POWERFUL force in the galaxy! No place for weaklings or pacifists like you sister!

Zadavia: Brother.. *she carefully walks up to him and places her hand on his shoulder* Please, our mother and father would never rule with such intent

Optimatus: Sister, you are a fool *he strikes her down on the ground* It no longer matters what they say, I am the ruler now! And now you will die *he pulls out a plasma handgun and prepared to kill his sister*

But however, someone struck into Optimatus with a mighty sword, it was Deuce.

Deuce: You won't harm her, Prince! *swings sword but Optimatus dodges*

In the struggle, Deuce manages to strike him down and turn to Zadavia

Deuce: *tosses her his Guardian Strike Sword* go! The ship! It's your only chance!!

Zadavia: I'm not leaving you or my people behind, Deuce!

Deuce: I and my army will stop him and protect them! Go now!

Zadavia quickly ran as Optimatus got up and tackled down Deuce

Guardian Strike Sword in hand she rushed to a Frelengian space shuttle, setting a course for a distant planet. Optimatus however was not far behind after striking down and knocking out Deuce, he rushed to the launch bay just when Zadavia's ships engines fired up with him dangerously behind them

The thrust boosters engaged and Zadavia's ship flew off, scorching Optimatus' face in the process

Optimatus: AAAARGGHHHH!!!!!!

Optimatus' robotic troops arrived to see their leader injured.

Robot: *Sees him* Optimatus!

Optimatus: *clutches the left side of his face punching the ground in pain* hrrrghhh..!! Son of a..!!!

The robotic medics help him up and prepare to patch the wound, Optimatus just angrily pushed them aside revealing the side of his face severely burned

Optimatus: Track that ship down...she will NOT escape me!! Whatever it takes!!!

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