Episode 1: Sumo-nano-slammer!

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Fight Club, somewhere in the city

Two large hulking dudes were slugging it out with the crowd cheering and taking bets on the upcoming winner, both fighters were bruised and slightly bloodied but both were determined to win over the other. On a nearby table, someone hooded was speaking to a big red, scarred furry monster

???: You were one of the biggest fighters in the illegal circuit til you retired, Mr Hacksammer.

Hacksammer: Yeah, i'm told you can get me some body-altering nanotech

??: Alright, but why? Even retired you look like one good punch from you could send a person flying

Hacksammer: oh, it's not for me, it's for my son.

??: Your son? Oh yes, Gorlop right?

Hacksammer: he's not a son to me, he's 18 but suffers a rare birth defect my species of Toons rarely get which makes him rather small compared to me.

??: Sounds like he'll need nanotech that will alter his muscle mass and size.

Hacksammer: yes, although he says time and time again that he didn't want to be a fighter, fool

The hooded figure opened a briefcase containing a vial of nanotech and an injector

???: Here, this shall help your boy become what you want him to be

Hacksammer takes the vial and examines

Hacksammer: So, this will indeed turn my boy into the fighter i want him to be?

???: absolutely, but this nanotech has been modified so he would never be able to extract it out of his body, a permanent change

Hacksammer: But it's tough, isn't it?

???: It is, enjoy *smiles and leaves*

Meanwhile, the Loonatics along with Zadavia were chilling at Pizzarriba, a futuristic pizza restaurant

Duck: Man, i ALWAYS come here to chill and have a good time.

Slam: Pizza good here!

Lexi: Hey, Zadavia, you've ever been here before?

Zadavia: not really, but I'm very excited to try out the "Pie-za"?

Tech: it's Pizza, madam

Zadavia: Pizza, right. Sorry

One of the restaurants employees walked up and spoked

Waiter: Hello, mind if i take your order?

Ace: *Reads menu* Yeah, we'll be eating together. We'll have an extra pepperoni please.

Waiter: Extra pepperoni it is! *walks into the kitchen* ¡Conseguí un pepperoni extra para la mesa 4!(got an extra pepperoni for table 4!)

The owner of Pizzarriba, Sofía Gonzales was looking over her business, proud of her workers when her son came in. Her son was Diego Gonzales

Sofía: Diego, ¿dónde has estado?(Rico, where have you been?)

Diego: Been out with Pinkster for a bit, Mama. Sorry

Cooker: Pizza for table 4 ready! *places it on a large plate and hands it over*

Sofía: Table 4, Diego *passes it*

Diego: sure, mama *leaves*

Diego then walked over to the 7, passing the pizza to them

Diego: here you go, amigos. Enjoy!

Loonatics ReEnergized: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now