Prologue Part 4: Let's Jet

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The six toons looked at the end of a doorway to see a tall alien princess walk towards them

Lexi: You're the one who sent the messages, right?

Zadavia: Correct, I am Zadavia, Princess of Freleng

Jack: Do you know why I along with these guys have these strange abilities?

Zadavia: Of course, I promised to answer your questions and they will be answered

The six sat and listened to Zadavia

Zadavia: I am from the Planet Freleng, my brother: Optimatus staged a coup to takeover the planet for himself, i narrowly managed to escape to this world, where i was hiding. Here's where things may get...crazy

Lexi: If things hadn't already gone crazy with the voices i keep hearing...

Zadavia: My brother tracked me down and decided to destroy me using a cosmic meteor, the same one that crashed onto your homeworld weeks before, the meteor is just a mere rock now but it was filled with cosmic energy which spread around your planet, altering each of your bodies.

Jack: So that meteor is the reason why i have magnetic-like abilities? I knew it...

Zadavia: *Nods* Ace, you posses the ability of laser beam eyes, 

Ace: I noticed when I got attacked by those actors

Zadavia: but you also possess the ability of infrared vision, that allows you to search for any heat signature

Ace: That's awesome

Zadavia: Lexi, the voices in your head aren't voices, their distant sounds thanks to your super hearing, i'll teach you to control your hearing and your Brain Blast.

Lexi: Brain- what now??

Zadavia: Brain Blast, you can shoot a blast of psionic energy from your head

Zadavia then turned to Danny

Zadavia: Danny Duck, you posses teleportation, think of  a short distant area and you will teleport there

Duck: I know tha--

Zadavia: and the ability to shoot fireballs


Zadavia: Yes, Fireballs

Duck: That's awesome!

Jack: Magnetic manipulation, that's my power right?

Zadavia: *chuckles* always a step ahead Jack, yes indeed but you also have molecular regeneration, meaning any injury inflicted upon you will rapidly heal, like your ancestor Wile E.Coyote

Jack: That's extraordinary!

Slam: Me have tornado!

Zadavia: Correct, you Brad "Slam" Tasmanian have the ability of spinning into a tornado form and having a "thunder mode" that allows you to shoot electric tornadoes 

Slam: Me like that!

Rev: I got superspeed, when I was getting home I realized I ran so fast I was outside the city for a moment but I found my way back to my home, I haven't told my family this yet.

Zadavia: best you keep this a secret for now, Rev. Not to mention you also have the ability of global positioning and flight by using your sonic speed.

Rev: Holy crap!

Ace: Soo, what is this? a meeting?

Zadavia: yes, more of a job interview actually *smiles* it's likely Optimatus will soon find out his plan to destroy me had failed, with this planet soon facing imminent danger how would you like to become this world's protectors.

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