Episode 2: Ophiuchus Heists!

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Optimatus walked up to a computer screen detailing Acmetropolis and it's recent event with 6 cosmic powered Toons stopping a furred monsters rampage and ending the thefts of illegally modified nanobots.

Optimatus, after suffering the terrible burns to his face from Zadavia's ship, had to be given a cybernetic eye to cover his burnt side, his burn wounds still stung after 6 months of healing, and his anger for his sister was extreme. He was determined to eradicate his sister and maintain his rule over Freleng, whatever the cost.

 He was determined to eradicate his sister and maintain his rule over Freleng, whatever the cost

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(Once again, thank you my closest friend ACEZ133)

Optimatus: *watches the news detailing the Loonatics revealing themselves* so it would seem my sister survived and the meteor enhanced six individuals? Hmph, she is a damn fool.

???#1: shall I go there and slay them by my mighty sword?! For as you know Lord Optimatus, I am Syl--

???#2: Quiet! These "Loonatics" make me very angry! Very angry indeed!

The two shadowed figures begun to bicker with eachother, one appeared short in the shadows while the other was taller with a visor over his eyes, Optimatus turned to face the shadowed figures.

Optimatus: my friends, please be civil, for now our duty is securing Freleng, Deuce and his rebels along with the allies of Planet Blanc pose a major threat, but the situation on Acmetropolis is a nuisance for now. I shall send a professional Bounty Hunter to clean up this mess.

???#1: Master, I may know an excellent hunter for the job, one of the finest in the galaxy!

Optimatus; and who may that be? *Raising an eyebrow curious* And how is he one of the finest?

???#1: You will see, master

Meanwhile on Acmetropolis

Seemed like a normal day at the Acmetropolis bank up in the east district, people going in and out, people making deposits, withdrawals, etc. However a highly modified hover motorcycle flew down and landed near it, the rider was decked out in blue armor and had a large red moustache, arming himself with a plasma rifle he burst in to everyone's shock. This person was notorious galactic thief and treasure hunter Ophiuchus Sam!

Ophiuchus Sam: Aaallright, this'ere a robbery!! nobody move a limb! *aims*

Everybody panicked and raise their arms, refusing to do anything they may regret

Toon Squirrel: Oh, crap! He's got a rifle! *Paws in air*

Ophiuchus Sam: that's right! *Heads up to the safe, sets charges and detonates* bingo! The booty is mine!

But then Ophiuchus Sam heard footsteps behind him and turned to see. It was Tech E.Coyote!

Tech: Funny, I was here to check my account but instead I'm here to save my own and others money. *Glows green* come at me.

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