Episode 4: Martian Calamity!

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Seems like a normal day in Acmetropolis, people going about their daily lives, the Loonatics training and getting  even more skilled with their abilities.

Ace and Lexi were out together, just chilling. Slam was where he usually was training in the gym room, Tech was busy tweaking Rev's rocket boots to make them better and allow him to land more safely. Duck in the meantime was just waiting for a parcel to arrive.

Rev: Yo, Duck *sits and chills next to him*

Duck: Hi, Rev *watching TV*

Rev: How ya doing?

Duck: I'm good. Where the heck is that package??

Rev: Take it easy, stuff takes time ya know. Hold on, did you tell the delivery to be brought here??

Duck: Yeah, a problem?

Rev: Duck this is our hideout! 

Duck: So, the people of Acmetropolis may soon know that and---

the doorbell rings at the elevator.

Duck: There it is!

Rev: *sighs* Next time, when you order something. Tell them to take it to your home rather than here

Duck: Oh relax Road Runner.

Tech: I'll get it 

He opens the door to reveal a green Toon reticulated python with black spots and a yellow underbelly

Toon Python: Special Delivery!

Duck: *Shoves Tech aside* Yeah, yeah yeah *takes the package* thanks, cya *shuts the door*

Toon Python: Wait-- *the door shuts on him but it opens again*

Rev: Jonathan!

Duck: What--??

Rev: Come in, Jon. *smiles seeing his old pal*

Jonathan: Oh uh okay, thanks Rev!

Duck: You know this guy?

Rev: Yeah, this is Jonathan Python. My great great great great grandfather and his great great great great grandfather are friends so that explains us too. He works at my families delivery service like my brother. He helped us deliver these packages

Jonathan: Hey there!

Duck: Hi

Jonathan: So, Rev. How's the superhero stuff?

Rev: Little tiring but fun.

Jonathan: I'm so jealous, wish I got powers from that meteor! All I'm doing is just deliver packages like normal.

Rev: It's okay, Jon. Btw, how's Rip?

Jonathan: Oh! Rip's doing good. He says "Hi"! *smiles*

Rev: Hehe, go back and tell my family I said hi.

Jonathan: Consider it done, I suppose I'll go and leave saving the world to you guys, bye! *leaves*

Meanwhile down in the streets, Ace and Lexi were walking together towards Pierre's shop, Ace just amusingly chuckled. He and Lexi had been really hitting it off lately

Ace: back here again, Lex? 

Lexi: Hey, ran out of perfume Okay? I'm sure Pierre's got a nice rose-smelling one *smiles entering* Hey, Pierre!

Pierre: *looks up* Hm, Hellooo my bunny friend, how may I be of service today my beux friend?

Lexi: Yeah, you have any rose-smelling ones? 

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