Prologue Part 3: The Invitation

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3 Weeks Later

Ace is walking home after a tricky day at the studio, by tricky for the company, not for him. He chose to quit acting on the set, feeling damn proud and confident in joining the army or air force, not caring the absolute slightest what his family would think, he's going to be a pilot and that's final!

Ace went up to his car but as he approached, he was suddenly attacked by four men.

Ace: huh?! Uck! *punched, kicked and smacked* is that all you?!--- *punched in the nuts* oooh...

Actor: sup doc?! *Swings another punch sending him down* Director wanted us to knock the granny out of you, Ace. You son of a bitch!

Ace: did he?.. *coughs*

The other three actors kicked him down with the lead actor looking at him

Actor: Pathetic. Let's go, director will be happy

Ace: hey!

The actors turned to face him

Ace: *chuckles and wipes the blood off his face sporting a black eye* my face is just getting warmed up! *Gets into a martial arts pose* you're forgetting I learnt my own martial arts for fight scenes

The actors chuckled and prepared to go for round 2, Ace however fought back using his martial art skill, he first knocked two of the actors down and faced the next two actors, one of whom pulled a taser and fired at Ace.

But then, Ace felt some strange energy within him, focusing it hard and suddenly shot a beam of energy from his eyes which blasted the taser away from the actor.

Actor: Ace??

Ace: ummm, I don't know what I just did...

The lead actor and his friend picked up their unconscious comrades and quickly ran away, refusing to believe that their former colleague just shot laser eyes.

Ace decided to just get in his car and get the hell out of there

Ace: I shot laser eyes...I shot laser I going crazy? *Feels something on his butt as he gets in the driver seat* huh?

He dips his hand in his seat and pulls up a note it read

"Meet me at the abandoned skyscraper north of the Maroon District, you along with 5 others will have your questions answered" - Z

Ace: "Z"? What could that mean?

Meanwhile, Lexi was busy sitting alone in the bathtub huddled up, she thought she was hearing voices in her head, she heard things from all around her, was she going crazy?

Lexi: *grips her head but hears the door knock* who is it?

It was Lexi's mother

Lexi's mom: Lex, please open.

Lexi opened the door and looked at her mother

Lexi's mom: you've been acting strange lately, is everything alright?

Lexi: Thing is mom I'm not so sure...I keep hearing stuff from all around me

Lexi's mom: Maybe we should see a doctor, do you think that would be okay?

Lexi: I'm sure it'll be fine, mom. How's dad?

Lexi's mom: just as worried about you as me. Oh, I forgot this came in for you *she gives her daughter a letter*

Lexi: thanks mom *she opens and reads*

"Meet me at the abandoned skyscraper north of the Maroon District, you along with 5 others will have your questions answered" - Z

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