Episode 3: Blanc

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In Outer Space

A spaceship was travelling towards Freleng, on board were allies with Deuce in the fight against Optimatus, these were fighters of the Planet Blanc, an ally of Freleng and rebels against Optimatus, hoping one day Freleng will finally be free

One of them was none other than the prince of Blanc: Royal Tweetums, he was to help Deuce in the rebellion, but unaware that Optimatus is always one step ahead of his enemies.

Pilot: ETA to Freleng, 1 hour.

Warrior: Mind if i ask? Why is he coming along? *points to Tweetums*

Warrior 2: He's not just a prince but also a brave fighter, Deuce knows him personally. Not to mention Queen Grannicus has put faith in him for joining this war

As they carried on talking, a large Frelengian flagship was hovering just above them, they sadly weren't part of Deuce's rebellion, they were part of Optimatus' regime!

Tweetums: Guys, I think We have company!

The flagship fired tow cables at the Blancan ship which hoisted it up, allowing enemy Frelengians to being breaking inside.

Warrior: Their coming in! Everyone get ready!

Warrior 2: Prince Tweetums, you must escape! Take the escape pod!

Tweetums: No way! I'm not weaving without you all!

Warrior: GO now, take the escape pod to Acmetropolis, Zadavia will take care of you!

As the warrior spoke, enemy Frelengians entered lead by a cybernetic cat with a visor like mask. This was none other than Sylth Vester, scourge of space pirates, one of the galaxies finest swordsmen! Defeater of oppressors and the first and only Toon cat to become a expert swordsmen and lieutenant in the great Frelengian army. 

Oh, don't worry. He won't let you forget.

Warrior: It's one of Optimatus' new lackies!

Sylth: Lackey? I am no lackey. I am..

As Sylth Vester begun his little monologue while his men captured the warriors, Royal Tweetums, his target made it to the escape pod and entered Acmetropolis' coordinates.

Tweetums: The pwoblem with that putty tat is that he talks too much...

As the prince engaged the pods engines, Vester heard the noise and headed to the pod, just in time to see his target escape into space.

Sylth: Damn! No one escapes Sylth Vester! No one!

Frelengian Regime Robot: He just did---*slashed in half by Vester's sword*

At that moment, Sylth Vester got a holographic message from Optimatus.

Optimatus: Sylth Vester? Is your mission complete?

Sylth: Afraid not, sir. Tweetums escaped *notices the computer on the wall that detailed where the pod was going* But i know where he is going. A planet called Acmetropolis 

Optimatus: The same planet my sister escaped? Very well, Electro Fudd is still on his mission hunting for the Loonatics, but your job is to bring Tweetums to me at all cost.

Sylth: Understood, Sylth Vester away! *ends message*

A few days later.

In the abandoned skyscraper, the Loonatics have had some decorating, a television, fully functioning kitchen, training room, it was slowly becoming a proper headquarters for the team rather than a condemned hideout.

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