Episode 5: Attack of the Machines Part 1

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Runner Express building.

Rip Runner, Rev's brother was busy loading stuff into a van with his mother Harriet helping out, suddenly they saw a flash of red fire dash into the garage, it was Rev visiting his family.

Rev: Rip, Ma!

Harriet: *sees him* Rev! *Runs up and hugs him so tightly*

Rev: *squeezed* Ugh! Glad your happy to see me, Ma...!

Rip: *chuckles crossing his arms* Hey, bro. How's it hanging.

Rev: Hey, Rip. Just came by to see my family. *smiles*

After Harriet let go of him, Rev and Rip bro-fisted eachother and Ralph, their father entered.

Ralph: Well, if it isn't our superhero? *Chuckles*

Rev: Heh, hey Pa how are you?

Ralph: Got alot of deliveries you forgot.

Rev: *laughs at his joke* Pa, surely you know saving Acmetropolis is far more important.

Ralph: I know, kiddo. How's your new boss and partners?

Rev: Their all good, closest one is Tech, he's a little like a brother to me, no offense Rip.

Rip: None taken

Ralph: Hold up, is he that coyote right?

Rev: Yeah, but don't get paranoid dad. This is 2772, not 1966. Tech's a chill dude.

Harriet: Well, we trust you son.

Speaking of Tech, let's see what he's up to shall we?

Tech was busy once again in the lab room of the skyscraper, building new gadgets

Tech: *Whistles while working under a motorcycle* Now where did i put that..oh wait *uses his magnetic power to connect the parts together* There we go, *crawls out from under the bike* 

As Tech went to get another tool or work on a new piece, the wall suddenly blasted open sending Tech to the wall.

Tech: Ugh!! Damn.. Huh!?

Emerging from the hole in the wall was none other than some enemy combat robot

Robot: Jack E.Coyote. Our creator has highlighted you as priority one target *aims a weapon at him*

Tech: Prioritize this! *Uses magnetic power to strip the weapon away and picks up a proton rifle*

Tech fired the rifle straight into the robot's chest tearing a mighty hole through it, the robot stumbled back and fell out the hole it created and down to the streets below.

Tech: Huh, that was easy *the door behind him opens*

Slam: What was noise?

Tech: Just some party-crasher, Slam. Nothing to worry about. *smirks* Took care of it

Slam: Robot!

Tech: Yeah, it was some andr--

Slam: Robot! *points*

Tech turned and his eyes widened.

Tech: Oh, there's more of em...

Tech: Oh, there's more of em

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