Season Finale: Attack Of The Machines Part 2

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Previously on: Loonatics ReEnergized!

Ralph: Got alot of deliveries you forgot.

Rev: *laughs at his joke* Pa, surely you know saving Acmetropolis is far more important.

Robot: Jack E.Coyote. Our creator has highlighted you as priority one target *aims a weapon at him*

Tech: Prioritize this! *Uses magnetic power to strip the weapon away and picks up a proton rifle*

Tech: Guess there's more than these guys...

The Loonatics looked out the blasted hole to see robots flying around areas of the city.

Ace: Let's Jet!! 

Robot: Surrender, or run.

Tech: *inspects* Their not alien, these were built right here on Acmetropolis, and their design feels...familiar..

Duck: Familiar?

Ace: *blocking another robot with his sword* Eerr, doc?

Duck: What? *He feels the shadow of the robot who was still alive* Oh *struck hard* YIKE!! *crashes into a car*

Slam: RRRAAAA!!!! *his tornado forms electricity around him and rips off the arms of the robot and punches one huge hole right in the chest of the machine sending it down* Hunk of junk.

Percy: woke up Ugh, what happened? *sees Lexi and Slam* Holy cow! It's the Loonatics!

Slam: Hey.

Mark: Take that, you no good metallic imbecile!

They whack the robot in the legs with their bats causing it to fall to the ground

Duck: I'm sorry, did she just said a robotic snake or dragon thing is coming our way???

the dragon safely lands near them and it's face opened revealing....

"Hello, Jack long time no see."

We now return to Loonatics ReEnergized!

What was piloting the dragon mech was a turtle wearing a suit.

Tech: C-C-Cyrus?!?!

Duck: You know this guy??

Cyrus: Of course he knows me, we were the best of friends, till he betrayed me. The name is Cyrus Turtle, former disgraced mechanical scientist and now the new ruler of Acmetropolis!

Lexi: Not if we have anything to say about that! *charges Brain Blast*

Cyrus: Think your abilities are a match for this? Go on and try!

Duck: Pleasure! *tosses a power orb straight at Cyrus but the mech's hatch closes blocking it* Oh.

Rev: Lemme try *dashes at Cyrus' mech and tries to slash off the tail, but the tail dodges and smacks him in the back* AIGH!! *crashes* Dammit..

Cyrus: And these are the "mighty" Loonatics i've heard of! Hahaha! You're soft as always Jack!

Tech: One, you'll lose Cyrus. Two, name's not Jack anymore, it's Tech.

Cyrys: Tech? Haha! How useless, with my robots and mech, we will RULE ACMETROPOLIS!! HAHAHA!! *flies off*

Rev: Hey, get back here!! Drat!

Ace: He'll turn up again, when he does we'll be ready for him

The Loonatics arrive back at the skyscraper to inform Zadavia and find out more about Cyrus Turtle.

Loonatics ReEnergized: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now