Wars Toil

877 17 14

No-one's Perspective

Sparks flew like bullets across the battlefield, a Franxx resembling that of a crusader of old tore through the Strelitzia-look alikes as if they were made of nothing, his sword was coated in the blue blood of his enemies, a faint red trail followed his movements. Screams of agony clashed with metal-on-metal screeching as he lost it. Behind him lay a trail of bodies slowly sinking into the dirt, the movements of this franxx devolved into a blur of white and blue, it became impossible to tell whether it was Wyatt dealing the blows or taking them. Squad 13 stood a good mile back, watching from an assumed safe distance, the only franxx not present was Streliza, who was already aboard Plantation 13. Zero Two and Hiro watched the carnage unfold in the main command center. In said command center, the adults manning the readouts and terminals had their eyes practically glued to the main screen, watching as the Crusader went about his work. Nana watched, enthralled and terrified. Hachi couldn't bring himself to watch. Hiro couldn't believe his eyes, how was Wyatt so good at being a stamen with very little time in the cockpit? How was he able to make short work of enemies that most Squads need to tag team to even have a chance to kill?

It was a set of questions he knew would haunt him. He looked over at Zero Two, who was standing next to him. Her face was blank and her eyes were wide, with fear or awe was another question entirely. Hiro turned his vision back to the screen. In the Franxx's of Squad 13, the action that was unfolding had the members in varying states of fear, shock, horror, or awe in Mitsuru and Goro's cases. 

There was suddenly a loud crash that shook the ground and distorted the dust in the air, silence crept up to the Plantation. The wind picked up slowly and the dust danced in the light of the Plantation's flood lights as night began to fall. As the lights pierced more and more of the dust as it lessened, bodies and crushed cores of klaxosaurs floated in a massive pool of blue blood, the wind suddenly gave a mighty heave and the dust was banished from the area. In the center of the pool of blood, a pile of the Streliza lookalikes lay dead, faces smashed in and chests tore open. Atop the pile was the Crusader, kneeling over and pressing his sword deeper and deeper into the pile. He stopped as the light in the top body faded away slowly.

Nobody on the comms spoke, even the Council aboard the Cosmos was left stunned by this display of raw power. All eyes had been on Plantation 13 following its ambush by special Klaxosaur units; nobody had expected this Crusader-esk mech to suddenly appear from the fog, slaughtering all who stood in his path. Back aboard the command center, the connection to 03-001 had been re-established. The cockpit camera crackled to life, but nothing could be seen in the pitch darkness, the faint glow of his pilot visor could be seen in the corner, casting an eerie blue glow onto the room. Slowly, Squad 13 began to make its way over to the Crusader, who had not moved an inch from its position atop the pile. There was a tension and a fear building as still the Franxx did not move. The readouts for the pilot, Wyatt, read his vitals as normal, but his yellow blood cell count was through the roof. Skyrocketing past the known max number. His heartbeat was slow, but not so slow that it would kill him, the display of his brain map showed his barin working on overdrive, every synapse that could fire was firing at 110%. Suddenly, the activity ceased and input commands were detected in the Franxx's neural network.

As if breaking the seals on the joints, the Crusader suddenly jolted from a standstill to a standing position, sword in left hand and right hand hanging loosely by his side. The space inside the helmet was still dark, not a single thing could be seen in the slits for the eyes or behind the lattice of the face guard. He simply began to slowly walk toward Plantation 13, Squad 13 watching scared and confused. In the command room, Hachi watched the darkness of the main cockpit camera and the health readouts, watching as the synapses began to dim and the responses to movements became more and more sluggish.

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