Apparent Rivalies

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Wyatt's POV

After I had a very painful experience with getting the bullets taken out of my body, and a dull, but still painful aftermath. I was carted to a small hospital room, my equipment lay for all to see on a long table near the window, in which I had the blinds closed. I sat in the room by myself for a few minutes. In the span of 2 weeks, I had already had two flashbacks, gotten shot once, and been slapped probably five times now. Ayyyy Blyat... what a good few weeks. I heard footsteps, hurried ones at that. Sounded like two- no three pairs of feet. One had more weight on it, along with an interment click. The other was noticeably faster, almost as if they were in a rush. And the final one was slow and methodical. Dr. Franxx, Zero Two, and Hachi... Merde

Hachi entered the room first and put a Pda on my bedside stand, wished good health, surprising, and left. Dr. Franxx Walked in, he set a small bottle on the stand and left, casting a sad glance my way. Then Zero Two walked in, she looked at me sadly, partially relieved. After the door was shut, she ran over and almost crushed me. Damn, she hugs just as hard as I can... She looked slightly broken as if she couldn't bear to see me hurt.

Zero Two: I'm not letting you go again. You're too important to me.

She kicked off her shoes and crawled into the bed with me, nuzzling her head into my neck, her horns weren't hurting me surprisingly. I patted her head, and she snuggled closer to me, I gazed down at her sleek form and sighed. Why can't I have nice things? Like this? The temptation to sleep came over me suddenly. No, no, no not now, I don't want to do something I'll regret. Wellllll... whatever....


I awoke from my deep slumber, smelling anesthetic and other things, I opened my eyes slightly and looked around. I felt someone stir next to me, I looked down and saw pink hair. Zero Two... my heart began to race, she was so beautiful, I felt something stir, within me. No, no I'll regret that. I pulled her closer to me and un did that button closest to her neck, and her vest popped forward a small bit. Maintain mostly pure thoughts Wyatt. she began to breathe deeper, looking significantly more relaxed, I decided to protect this version of Zero Two. She looks so calm, does she really not have this at all? I started to drift off again...


I woke up again, this time, I felt more eyes on me. Who else is in here? I opened one eye slightly, and looked around, all of squad 13 was in here, looking at me and Zero Two, I opened both eyes and looked around fully grabbing everyone's attention. I looked around at the room once more, noticing that the girls were standing by the door and the boys by the window. Miku and Ikuno were glaring at the boys, Zorome was glaring back. Goro looked irritated and Hiro looked very tired.

Wyatt: Ichigo, what happened?

Miku: You dont ne-

Wyatt: I asked Ichigo, not Miku.

She glared at me, I glared back. I can do this all day.

Wyatt: Now, Ichigo. What. Happened.

She looked at me nervously, as if she didn't want to tell me.

Wyatt: You are all divided, what did that? Nothing should divide a unit, nothing.

Ichigo: Miku thought we should separate from the boys after the incident earlier, we agreed because it made the most sense. After all, they violated us.

Wyatt: Yall are funny. If you should distance yourself from anyone, it should be me. I'm the one that made the decision to cover you. What makes me different from them?

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