The Queens Quest

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I love you as a certain dark things are to be loved.
In Secret...
Between the Shadow and the Soul...... Pablo Neruda

She couldn't stand the bragging , self important , show off.

Benjamin Solo was a pompous, self righteous idiot and she wasn't about to let him forget it.

In all of six the months he had lived in Naboo , he had won every joust, won every tournament and become the kings right hand man, practically without even trying.

So Rey put it upon herself to make sure that if Ben 'Swolo' was within ear shot of her she would berate him and praise all the other knights .

She made it her personal quest to put him down a peg or two.

She wasn't jealous of all the attention Poe lathered on Ben, oh no!
She wasn't deliberately following him around because she was bored. Never!
But that is exactly what she was doing. She had to get rid of him.

After three years of marriage, there still was no heir. Poe tried, he really did, to plant his seed in her womb, but he had given up on her and instead focused all his time to his knights and his round table.

He was trying to make a better world for everyone, so if Rey was forgotten sometimes, ignored if she had a problem , well, it was all for the greater good.

She would find her outlet in Ben Solo.

Summer had finally come to Naboo and there were so many fun and diverting activities to do. Picnics, Fairs and dancing.
Rey looked enchanting and she knew it. She would use it to her advantage. Everyone loved her at Court and wanted to be in her favor.

"Sir Thomas?" Rey called to one of her favorite knights . " Do you recall the other night when I distinctly said you might take me to the Fair?"
"Yes , your majesty!" Sir Thomas swelled with pride . It was a honor to be chosen to escort the Queen to the festivities.

"Well, I'm sorry to say there's someone else I must choose instead of you. He is the best of the knights and has earned the privilege to take me .
It grieves me that I must do this to you." Rey pretended to be full of sorrow.

"Your majesty, who is this black guard? Tell me his name so I may run him through!" Sir Thomas would not have his honor and bravery bested by another.

" It's that frightful Benjamin Solo. Will you thrash and smash him?"

" I will mash and bash him!"

"You will give him trouble?" Rey spoke conspiratorially .

"He will be rubble!"

"A mighty wack?"

"His skull will crack!"

"Then you may take me to the Fair, if you do all the things you promised. In fact I'd grieve inside should you not to me to the Fair." She promised prettily.

The cathedral was quite, dark and cool as Ben left the heat of the day and went in to pray. He and Poe , along with his band of knights had just returned from a campaign around Naboo. They had been gone for three weeks and were ready for some well deserved relaxation. They called it 'A Maying'.

He couldn't stand the gaiety that was growing more and more crude. He held himself apart from the base and worldly.
He truly believed that his powers were indeed miraculous, given to him by the Force.
If he just stayed pure and untouched he would remain the best.

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