I hear the Rolling Thunder

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                                                      She was rare and he knew he would never compare her to any other woman.
                                                                She was a Celestial nymph, causing cosmic warfare with his soul.
                                                                                             She was his Supernova.    Alfa

          It began like a low rumbling thunder.    The sky was clear and brightly lit with millions of  stars on one side of the valley, while the sun was setting in a brilliant display of color on the west side. The sound got louder and louder and the ground trembled . The confused people realized it was not a storm coming but something much worse.

Suddenly they were upon them. Someone had left a portcullis wide open and a hundred knights on horse back came charging into the courtyard.

"He's here!" Hux yelled excitedly. " Ben is here!" Hux pounded on the window sill in his elation at seeing the chaos down below.
Poe sinks to his knees , shoulders slumping in relief . He covers his face in his hands and finally takes a shuttering breath.
His dear Reyna will not burn today!
The scene down below is utter pandemonium. Naboo knights along with the guards fought viciously with the unknown intruders . Screams rent the air as those unfortunate to be in the way were trampled under horse's hooves or cut down with a sword.

The invaders were wearing armor with insignia clearly from another planet. Ben's planet, Calais. ( everyone cheer for our hero!)

The executioner looked around in shocked surprise, then quickly touched the flaming torch to the dry tinder.

Out of the smoke came Ben riding a magnificent grey stallion. He was a true knight in shining armor, here to rescue his  fair maiden.
Risking his own life for the one he loved. He would never abandon her to the flames! He would have come sooner but needed to rally his men to fight to the death to save her!
Twenty of his men risked injury to themselves as they tried to pick up the burning wood and throw it as far away from Rey as they can.
The bravest clambered up to where Rey stood choking and gasping for breath. Pulling a sharp knife from his muddy boot he slashed the rope that bound her hands and legs to the post. She slumped forward and he gently lowed her to the waiting arms of the another man.

As carefully as they could they handed her up to Ben. He hugged her tightly to his chest as they galloped through the fighting and then out of the courtyard and to freedom.


Poe's army camped at the base of a castle built like a fortress on the planet Calais. Smoke curled up to the sky from a hundred campfire as thousands of soldiers prepared for battle .  Men sat around their fires , sharpening their swords and making their peace with their maker or making merry with pleasurable company.
They were waiting for dawn before they attacked. They wanted revenge!    
        A mist had risen from the cold ground encircling every thing in its path.   It brought a chill  to the air and a sense of foreboding. Could it be a omen sent from the Maker to warn them of thing to come?

      Poe sat in somber silence, dejected and bone weary. He hated war and blood shed. It was such a waste. Everything he had tried so hard to build, was soon to be as ash.
             It wasn't just for him alone that he tried to build a better world. All he wanted was peace and tranquility for Reyna and their children.  A world full of justice and mercy. He wanted it for the future generations to come. But it would not happen  any time soon. He felt like an utter failure.
      It was  human nature to want  to shed blood and give the enemy its retribution.

     The sound of rustling in the bushes caught Poe's  attention and he jumped up, dagger at the ready. Had someone thought they could sneak behind him and assassinate him under the cloak of darkness?

       Then out from behind a tree, stepped his best knight ,one time friend and his queens lover.......Ben.

       A good look at his face betrayed the remorse and guilt he felt.  Facing Poe now was a very risky yet incredibly brave thing to do.

   Poe had every right to run him through with his sword.   But he wouldn't.  He knew Ben had many things to say and he had many questions to ask.

        Ben looked into Poe's face and spoke. " Poe , I am so sorry for all of this. For what has happened."  Was that a tear in his eye?

    Poe just nodded. He wanted to apologize as well but found he couldn't.  He was racked with guilt as well. He should not have left home  as much as he did .  He should have taken her with him and protected her himself. 

But he had been selfish and unfeeling. He couldn't see what is wife really needed.

     Oh gods , Rey!  He needed to know where she was , was she well? He hasn't seen her in so long.  It was like agony not to see her lovely face and hear her happy laugh.

     "How is Rey?"  His voice cracked when he said her precious name.

    She then stepped out of the shadows and pulled the hood off her head revealing a tear stained, regret filled face.

       " Poe....... I........"   She stammered through  hitched breath.  She could speak no more . She couldn't even look him in the face.

    Ben spoke for her . He was the one to cause all this anguish and needed to  relieve his heavy burden.
" Reyna is with her holy sisters, Poe.  She will remain there for as long as they will keep her. She wants to live a live of solitude and  repentance."

        Why would she need to repent of anything? He thought incredulous.  He couldn't believe she could do anything  wrong.  She was too pure, too innocent.

         Then he asked the question that had been bothering him for months.

     "What of the child?"  The question was just above a whisper.  "What will become of it ?"

    "I do not know." Ben answered truthfully. "Perhaps the nuns will be merciful and let the baby stay  or they may take it to an orphanage. A child born out of wedlock are often considered  the property of the State."

        Ben paused for a moment, deep in thought.  " But I will not let that happen. I will care for the child myself. I will make it my duty that Reyna will never want for anything. She will be well provided for and protected. You have my word as a knight of your round table."

        Poe silently nodded, satisfied with the answer.   Ben turned quickly to leave , but  was stoped when Poe's arm flew out and grabbed him by the arm.

      A small smile played on Poe's face. Nodding acceptance and understanding.  Ben couldn't believe it , Poe was forgiving him and Rey. 
      He felt immeasurable relief at Poe's forgiveness and compassion.

     Slowly Ben took Rey by the arm and turned her to leave.  They walked away as Poe watched the swirling mist engulf them. He knew  right then that he would never see them again in this life time.

             Poe's perfect life was no more. Soon he may be laying dead on the battlefield, his life extinguished.

  He was startled out of his melancholy stupor when a young page came running up to him with some messages from someone. He didn't seem to care  who it was from or what it was about
        Then he looked more closely at the young lad.  He could be the answer he was looking for.

      "Run back home!" He commanded. "Run home to your mother and father and live .... live.....live!"
The boy ran, eager to do his kings command.

    Poe's vision of a better life would not die that day!





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