A fragile Friendship with potential

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She wanted him . He was her definition of desire.
She never knew how engulfing the flames could be till now.
The only thing that could bring her back to life ......
His lips... his hands.... She would follow him to the ends of time,
Just to have another moment with him.
All she knew was she missed him, and nothing else made sense
Until she could be with him again.
This is what it felt like to fall and not care where you land. N.R. Hart

The last of the autumn leaves flitted and danced off the trees and down to the frozen ground like brown dead confetti.
The ice cold wind whispered and moaned through the empty hallways of Naboo Castle making it seem as if it were haunted by a thousand specters.
Like frigid glacial fingers, the drafts crawled their way up the stairs and under doorways , chilling the one lone occupant who was bent over her sewing.

Queen Reyna sat on a low cushion in front of a roaring fire, the scent of woodsmoke thick in the air.
The fireplace sat it the middle of the room so it's warmth could reach every corner. The fire crackled and jumped merrily.
Someone was kind enough to light it for her before disappearing into the unknown reaches of the castle.

It had been only a month since King Poe , the knights and most all of the court left on their Pilgrimage.
Only a skeleton crew was left behind to do the cooking and cleaning. And since it was just Queen Rey and the Knight Benjamin , they were left to shift for themselves most of the time.

Rey had angrily dismissed her ladies maid when she saw the look of pity on the girls face. The girl had come in to strip the sheets off the bed and had seen the blood and then picked up a nightdress also showing evidence that Rey was definitely not with child. Her cycles were always irregular and unpredictable , which made it almost impossible to hide her shame of infertility.

And now she felt utterly alone.

Rey had walked the halls of the great castle, looking into the faces of the portraits hanging on the walls, imagining in her lonely melancholy, that they would talk to her and give her advice.

Now she sat by herself , trying to stitch a perfect seem in the shirt she was sewing for the king. It was the queens duty to sew all of the kings shirts. It was a obligation she didn't mind preforming. At least she could do this one service for the king.

Rey was finding it difficult to concentrate, her mind felt as if were battling a war.
She stared into the flames and sank deeper into her loneliness.

The sound of the heavy door opening startled her so badly that she flinched. Rey felt the sting of the needle as it pierced her skin. Drops of blood stained the white linen on her lap.

She gasped in pain, then looked up to see who had disrupted her lonely solitude. It was the one person she had been trying to avoid ever since the tournament ......Benjamin.

She had been hiding from the confusing attraction that had stirred in her heart. She knew she couldn't be trusted around him . Gone were the teasing and taunting. She just didn't have the heart anymore.
He walked in and stoped short. Not expecting anyone to be in the room. Rey had made herself disappear the moment everyone had left the castle ,which meant that being her bodyguard would be very difficult indeed.

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