The Great Tournament

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                                                          "To burn with desire and keep it quiet about  
                                                             is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves   ...... Federico Garcia  Lorca

              The mouthwatering scents and raucous sounds of a jousting tournament were  tantalizing and thrilling.
  Stalls were erected outside of the arena, displaying a  large variety  of food and drink.    The sizzle of mutton and tender Nurf  caused whoever walked by to drool  in  anticipation of a delicious meal. Something common folk  rarely  got.

Everyone from miles around and sometimes from neighboring planets came to witness the  spectacular show.  If they came early enough they were treated to street performing acrobatics and singing madrigals.
Everyone loved a good entertaining pageant.

This was also a perfect time to buy and sell all manner of items , from horses to fine clothing.

               Naboo was dressed to impress.  Colorful flags and banners waved brightly  on the warm autumn breeze.

    King  Poe had declared that the rain had to stay away until after sundown. It obeyed of course. It wouldn't do to have to walk in the mud. All the fine aristocratic ladies thanked him profusely for saving their expensive gowns and dainty slippers.

All his knights wore their family colors and armor so as to distinguish them from the other visiting knights that were parading up and down the Lists.

All were ready and eager to display their marital prowess. Many a maiden watched with anticipation as her chosen knight came into view.

There was a token of her favor tied around their arm or lance, the delicate veil or colorful scarf was carried with honor.

The day for the main event had finally arrived.
Hundreds of anxious spectators gathered in the stands, while the nobility and royals sat themselves comfortably in a covered pavilion.

Benjamin stood in his tent while his armor was fastened into place. His thoughts were on the challenges that lay ahead for him.
He had began his day with prayer and meditation. He felt ready in his spirit and ready in his body for the exertion he was about to undertake.

He knew that this was all for show. To placate the other knights, make them feel like they might have a chance at beating him. They were all ignorant fools.

He knew he was the best and now he had the chance to prove it before an audience of hundreds, if not thousands.
If there was any doubt to his powers, he would demonstrate them to the disbelievers. He came from a noble family from the planet Calais and was proud to represent his homeland.

This was for Queen Reyna , the King had declared. The winner would stay behind and be her personal bodyguard while he and his knights and a good portion of the Court went on a pilgrimage to the galaxies Core.

The king had thought that maybe after all these years she would fall pregnant and he didn't want her out in the wilderness to give birth to the future king. He reckoned the pilgrimage would last months.

A trumpeter blew his trumpet, calling all contestants to the Lists.
It was time for the games to begin!

The king and queen sat in the middle of the pavilion so all could get a good look at them and they would have the best view of the jousting.
They were both dressed in their glittering finery, including magnificent crowns , but Rey had to sit with a blanket over her lap,covering her luxurious dress.
She had insisted that she didn't need it. It would hide her dress, but the king would not be disobeyed. He didn't want her to risk a chill. And like a good obedient wife , she obeyed .

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