Queen takes knight

40 5 16

I want to taste you again, like a secret or a sin. .....A.U.K

     Those shadows on the ceiling mocked and taunted Rey as she lay in bed.  She tossed and turned , imagining Ben's strong arms around her, holding her as if his life depended on her closeness.

        Her lips barely touched his, barely tasted the wine that he had drunk. She needed more. So much more.

   She was drunk on him and she knew it. 
   It was no good . She would never go to sleep with thoughts of him running around in her mind.

    She sat up quickly , and without another thought, left the room.


       Ben lay in his small cot next the  fire in his small room.  He didn't want a large bed or even his own room,he thought it was giving into your  base desires to  be too comfortable, but Poe insisted he have something  of his own.

         Now he lay wide awake . Thoughts of Rey come intrusive and unbidden to his tortured mind.  He must be laying to close to the fire. Beads of sweat trickle down his chest and his hair is lying in waves and curls against his head.  But maybe thinking of her leaves him hot and needy.

      He had tasted her lips. Felt the soft flesh  touch him and was enjoying it more than he should  when they were interrupted. What would he have done if the maid hadn't come in at that very moment? 

         Why was he pulled to her like a moth to a flame?  The moth gets too close and singes it's wings and death comes quickly.

                As if thinking about her has cast some magical spell , the door to his  chambers opened, and she is standing there. 
  The light behind her causes her thin form to silhouette against the nearly translucent fabric of her nightdress.

     For a moment he stares at what he thought was a ghost, a delicate wisp of a Spirit.  But then it is drawn to him and he knows without a shadow of a doubt that it is her.  She had come to him in the night.

        His eyes dilated as he  sees her floating over to him.   Is she sleep walking?   She seems to be in a daze as she walks up to him and looks down into his disbelieving face.

       She reached out to him and he grabbed her wrist as if to stop her. She gasped as he tugged her down to him, their bodies coming together as one.

  Never had she known that making love could be this beautiful or pleasurable.  Somehow they  ended up on the furs on the floor.
     He had never been with a woman before so she took the lead.
Mature content follows...........innocent eyes turn away......

        Rey pushed Ben down to lay flat on his back after removing his cotton tunic.
She ran her fingers up and down his broad shoulders and washboard chest, then leaned forward to suck and gently nibble his nipples. 
  The sensation was the most erotic feeling he had ever experienced.
But he was at a loss.
    He wasn't sure what to do with his hands.  He  felt for the thin fabric that was between his fingers and her skin. 
            Nothing was going to get in the way of him feeling all of her tonight, so he took the cloth and ripped  a large hole  big enough for his hand to snake it's way into and find her silky skin.   She gasped again as she heard the loud rip then went back to her licking, as if she was too consumed with her task to care about her torn dress.

            Her skin felt like nothing he had ever felt before in his entire life. And indeed he hadn't touched someone else before tonight.
    He had never kissed a woman , but here he was passionately kissing the most  rare and unattainable woman in the kingdom.

     His body responded to what she was doing with her lips and fingers, his  manhood  coaxed to life by her erotic kisses.

        Rey could not control herself. The lust for his flesh overrode any lingering voices inside her mind. She pushed those shameful voices down to where she could no longer hear them.

        Poe's face tried to surface in her suppressed memory. It was never like this with him . There was very little passion or craving each other's touch.
   Never would he hold her and  whisper sweet nothings into her ear.  He merely kissed her on the cheek, rubbed her arm then quickly proceed to get the job done.
       He never thought to  prepare her  before hand for intimacy or hold her in his arms after  he was done.
He always left her with a ache somewhere in her heart that yearned for a deeper connection, a  oneness  that he denied her.

    Tonight she would get it with Ben.

           She must put into words her most deeply held yearnings.  Give her aching heart a voice.
"Ben, I need you to touch me ....... down there."

   He glanced up from the kisses he was decorating her neck with to hear her command. 
With  trembling fingers , Rey took his closest hand and guided it to the burning heat between her legs.

        They both began breathing heavily as he touched her most sensitive  feminine center.

        She pants and shivers and breaks down in tears as his fingers do magical things to her .  They swirl and delve deeply into her moist  center. Never has she felt such delicious sensations in all her life.

        Ben is also desperate for release.  Some how something deep in his most primal mind he knows exactly what comes next and where he must go. 
       Pulling his fingers out, he quickly pulled down his trousers and made his way between her legs.  It felt so perfect to be here . Here...... like Home..... with Rey.

        They're kisses became more frenzied as he found her center again with his manhood  and pushed in.

   She didn't scream or cry out in pain.  She had done this before, just not with him.  
        Where had he been all her life?   Was he waiting for her from  clear  across a galaxy, yearning and waiting for someone who might never  be revealed? 
       He opened his eyes to look down on her lovely face.  She wore a look  that showed utter ecstasy.
She was overwhelmed by the wonder of it all.
She could not contain her happiness at this joyful moment. 
She had found a profound love  with this strange, odd and sometimes irritatingly proud man.

    What they did was truly amazing. After this, he would never let her go.
         Ben lay in Rey's arms after they had reached the highest peak of pleasure together, and had come down the other side..... together.

            He couldn't move or speak. He stayed perfectly still, wishing the afterglow of lovemaking would never vanish.

    He felt defenseless and helpless in her arms. He was rendered weak and  vulnerable by the incredible love of this woman.








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