Paradise Lost

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                                                                                You will have to peel my body from yours.
                                                                                    Our souls cannot be apart you see.
                                                                              They have be connected from the very start.
                                                                   So when you go just know my soul goes with you.  N.R. Hart.

It wasn't only Finn that noticed Ben slipped away right after Rey's departure from the great hall.

Poe watched as his best friend and number one knight blended in with the shadows and disappear into the darkness.
Poe knew he was a trusting fool. He had been watching this for years, but couldn't bring himself to believe it. Occasionally he would catch a look between the two of them, Ben would stumble over his words and Rey would just smile and nod. But there was something going on between them, but Poe was not only the king of Naboo , he was also the king of denial.

Those that knew him best tried to tell him that his queen was being unfaithful and his best friend was her lover. He wouldn't hear any of it. They spoke of treason,and if they tried to tell him again, they found themselves packing.

Suddenly the heat in the hall was unbearable, the laughing and gaiety to over bearing. He had to get out of the castle! He'll go hunting. Yes, that's it. Hunting will calm his nerves.

Poe grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows and ran . He knew the forest like the back of his hand. Every tree was a friend,every rock a brother. He found comfort in the beautiful calm of nature.

Really, what he needed now was guidance. What was he going to do with this impossible situation the three of them were in? He can't continue this charade forever.

" Help me, please!" He called out in desperation. He sank to his knees and hung his head in defeat.

His eyes were closed and didn't see a growing mist encircling him. Then from inside a ancient tree steps out Force Ghost Yoda.
The diminutive little green creature with big bat ears and tuffs of white hair , waddled over to the sulking king and thumped him over the head with his walking staff.

       "Compassion, you need young Poe."   Yoda spoke with the wisdom and patience of the ages.

           "The heart, sometimes has a mind of it own."    Suddenly, Yoda caught on to his own strange language and burst out laughing.

      Poe didn't have the same odd sense of humor of his old Master.  Yoda had taught him and trained him to be a good and wise king when he was a naive, inexperienced youth. Some times the lessons stuck , sometimes they didn't.

     "Compassion?! They don't deserve compassion! They made a fool of me. They deserve to be punished!"  Poe exclaimed with more anger and vengeance then he knew he possessed.
      They deserve to be exiled, banishment to a Force forsaken planet and left to rot

    Yoda looked at the distraught, heart broken man.  Strip away his tile and what did you have? Just a man like any other man dealing with troubles too big to handle alone.

         " Hard to love two men at the same time. Understand you must try. Young they are , with much passion between them." Yoda continued with his council.

          As Poe was trying to understand these sensible words, Yoda got a far away look in his eyes, then it turned to a worried frown.

   "Return to the castle you must go....."
           " Hurry, your son, trouble he makes!"


Rey snuggled as close to Ben's warmth as her growing belly allowed. The night was getting chilly, the heat of love making slowly wearing off their skin.
They didn't want to, but it was time to go, they couldn't stay out there all night. Ben worried for Rey in her delicate condition so they reluctantly sat up and gathered their clothes and got dressed.

The noise of rushing boots and clanking armor startled them, but didn't give them enough time to hide.

Suddenly a group of Ben's own knights surrounded them , caging them in. There was no escaping! 
   His first impulse was to protect Rey, but his dagger was just out of reach.

Then out from behind a dead bush like a evil Spector was Finn. He had a syrupy smile on his face like he was the cat who had caught two juicy mice. 

                 "You have been caught in the very act! I arrest both of you in the name of the King!"  He  cried with venom. He hated Ben Solo. He was everything that Finn wanted to be but couldn't.    The were polar opposite.  Ben was tall, virile  and of noble birth. Finn on the other hand was small, underfed and a commoner.
       But Finn did have something Ben did not........a king for a father.  Which meant he thought he could get away with everything.

           But Ben would not go down without a fight. 

Still weak from being near Rey, his strength still not fully restored, all he could do was shove a knight away from her.

    All became confusion as Rey screamed and lunged at a sword as it came down on Ben.

   "Maker help us!"  She cried frantically.  " Run Ben!"  

      He didn't  want to leave his lover but he knew if he was arrested the penalty was death for treason. It was better for him to escape and live or die for  chivalry.

      He disappeared as the mist began curling around their legs, obscuring him from sight.

   One of the guards roughly grabbed Rey by the arm and yanked her to her feet. 

   She was bleeding badly, her arm being deeply cut as she saved Ben from a death blow.  The blood dribbling down her dress as she was handcuffed and shoved forward.

The next day...

   She was still in the dress they captured her in, the blood dried to  a reddish- brown. She was not granted a new dress having her status ripped away . She vaguely remembers , through a hazy fog in her mind, someone saying she was no longer regarded as a queen after what she had done.
She was not allowed to go to her rooms , but was thrown in a  damp cold dungeon. 
       Now she was nothing but a commoner.
She stood trembling with fear in front of a jury but would not let her accusers see her  discomfort. Her hands were ice cold and her mouth was dry. She could feel her heart hammering beneath her as the verdict and sentence was read aloud.

                         Deception, infidelity, lying, and Treason.

    Sentence......... To be burnt at the stake until dead.

Tracks of hot tears coursed down her grubby face. She may die tomorrow but at least Ben got away. He would have had a much harsher sentence.
          Rumbling went through the crowd of spectators come to witness the queens downfall. Woman screamed and some fainted. One well dressed man stood up and shouted,
          " This is madness. She is obviously far along with child. Can't the sentence be postponed until after the infant is born!"
    The man called out with  sympathy.  " The only crime she has committed was loving another man. Many a lonely woman has strayed before, why should we make her an example?"

      Rey wearily lifted  her eyes to see who had spoken for her. She scanned the crowed. It was Hux, who would be her advocate. She had misjudged him . Taken him for a greedy self important man. Yet here he was trying to defend her.
     Poe was no where to be seen. He usually attended trails, which were few. He had a lenient streak and often let wrong doers off the hook  with a scolding and a firm warning to never commit the crime again.

        But he wasn't here. She needed to look in his eyes. Tell him she was sorry it came to this. To beg his forgiveness.

     The judge went red in the face at Hux.  He knew Hux wasn't from the planet Naboo and would not understand their way of  justice.
     " No, she has bewitched the whole court. She had cast a spell over us all and must pay. We must not suffer a witch to live!"

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