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                                                                                       I once had a thousand desires,
                                                                                     But in my one desire to know you
                                                                                            all else melted away.   Rumi

        One year later........

                 Ben had made a promise to Poe that he would watch over and protect Rey and  he never broke a promise.
       He worried for her in the convent, with nuns  that might be unkind to a pregnant unmarried  woman, queen or not.
     He visited her only once a month until the baby was born, then once a week to make sure all was well.   The nuns insisted that there was a chaperone in the room with them at all times.

             Rey had a difficult delivery, lasting over two days, but finally she brought forth a healthy newborn son.   When Ben had heard her screaming he had to be restrained from braking down the door to get to her.  He hated the thought of her in pain.... pain he had caused by getting her pregnant. She told him it was worth it to see him holding their son in his arms.
        He had to tell her some difficult news. It could wait,  but one day he would have to tell her that her husband was dead.

           He had heard that Poe had been killed on the battlefield, by Ben's own men.  Poe fought with courage and died with honor.
He felt horrible and didn't tell Rey for months.

         He did tell her when he felt she was ready. She took it as well as could be expected, shedding an acceptable amount of tears.
She was a free woman now and could leave the convent if she wished.

He gave her time to mourn which truth be told, wasn't very long , but the strict nuns made her stay a full year in respect for the dead.
If she thought about it , it would have pulled her under. She was responsible for thousands of men losing their lives.
It was she who had succumbed to delicious temptation and turned her back on loyalty to her king and country. She had fallen into the web of her own making and almost payed dearly with her life.

The trees were dropping their withered brown leaves and the fields were ready to be harvested when Ben made his way to the convent. A chilly wind blew though the stark halls, as Rey ran into his open arms and was enveloped in his warm embrace. There lips met in a kiss so passionate , that they embarrassed and scandalized the nun who had followed Rey outside.

She had quietly come up behind them and placed a small basket containing Rey's child on the ground. He gurgled and cooed at his parents, then began fussing when he wanted to be picked up. Ben picked up his one year old son and kissed him tenderly on his chubby cheek.
Their reunion was bittersweet. Remembering what had brought them to this point. The secrets , the deception, the hiding in the shadows. But on the other hand they found true love, friendship and devotion. And created  a new life.

Even though it was turmoil to his soul to be away from her for so long , Ben had regained all his physical strength and Rey learned how to live a more simple quite life.
    It was a struggle to someone who was so full of vitality .  She learned how to be patient in affliction and how to be a good mother to their little son.

They named him Anikin Poe.
'Anakin' was an old family name and one he would one day strive to honor, and 'Poe' for the man who had unwittingly brought them together.

Ben and Rey would teach their son that compassion was not weakness and strength and gentleness go hand in hand.

Ben had always wondered who had left the portcullis open that fateful day. Who ever it was they were true friend indeed.
He had heard that Finn had tried to take the throne by force but was not successful,and sulked back to where he came from   never to be heard of again.
        Now there was a vacancy left on the throne. How much more blood would be shed ?

               Do they dare go back to Naboo and claim the crown as Poe had wished? Ben wanted to honor Poe's desire for Ben to become the next king, but knew if he did he would not last one minute if he stepped on Naboo soil, nor did he want to claim something he felt he didn't deserve.

Ben and Rey chose to live a quite life. They had a simple wedding, wanting to make their love permanent and right before the Maker.
They stayed near Ben's ancestral home and raised a large family, two more boys and three girls.
(Okay, so with six kids , the quiet life might have to wait!)
But they got their happily ever after , like I promised!

The End

      I just want to say a big thank you for those who read this  story  to the finish line.  This will be the last one for awhile.  I'm thinking I have  one more in me. It would be added to the 'Solo  Family Saga'.   I'm thinking it will be a story about their last daughter. She has some  of the same struggles that he father had.  She has to figure out who she is and what the Force wants her to do.  How does that sound ?   Happy Christmas to all of you out there, and God bless us every one! Your humble author, Michelle.

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