1. We met accidentally

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I knew it would happen. I knew he would bring another girl tonight. I was getting closer to dad's room and now I could hear the moans and groans of the stripper he brought today.

Why couldn't he let go of alcohol and sex? It was mom's death anniversary but here he came home drunk with a girl just few years older than my friend Seokjin. He always said that I resembled my mother, Park Mina, and that mere thought of her death swallowed him.

The last time I saw mom was when she had her head shaved and was lying on the hospital bed at the last stage of cancer. I was eight years old when I saw her dry tear stains while she caressed my cheeks.

"Always be happy."

She had mumbled then left the world. And since then my father, despite governing 'Park Industrial', which was successfully a billion worth company, never had the courage to move on. My mom was his first and last love and always will.

He did tried to move on but everytime he failed, leading to him getting involved into sexual drive or alcohol to relieve his stress, responsibilities and guilt. I felt bad for him but more disgusted for his method. He also cared for me like every parent as I was his single child but just the topic of sex led to world War III. I tried convincing him but he as an adult had his own complexities.

I took the keys of the car and drove away leaving that unholy place that I called home. Every time I tried to stop him, he used to beat me up and now I didn't cared, as if he would listen. Driving the car with maximum speed limit I called my friends. They informed me of their whereabouts so I turned right to reach the club in which they were partying.

Within twenty minutes I parked the car and went in. Entering inside I saw Namjoon and Seokjin being engaged in flirting with a group of girls who were friends of Eunji, that means she was here too. I had to avoid that girl now since she always clinged to me, in the name of our father's partnership in an important project.

Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey in there hand while being busy to text their girlfriends.

Yoongi waved at me followed by me, hence I went towards them and sat beside Hoseok. He passed me a glass of whiskey but I grabbed the bottle and shoved it in my mouth until it got half empty.

"Relax, Chim!" Hoseok said attracting everyone's attention but I didn't cared. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and heavily exhaled. "Looks like you again heard them," said Yoongi before telling everyone to give me some space. Everyone in BTS had seen me crying several times and it wasn't new for them to see me act like this. We all knew everything about each other. I too once confessed my sorrow to them in drunken state but they hadn't shown sympathy but support. We were like brothers.

"I'm just sick of this. Every night I wish to stop him but can't. I cannot control his life but he should understand what effect it would have on me! He could marry, I'm not against it but this."

"Calm down, everything's gonna be fine."

"WHEN?! I am not a kid, it had been ten years but he never stopped, but reduced the age level of girls. I am scared that one day I'll start hating him, too much to retain respect for him." I sobbed and ran fingers through my hair.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other then my devastated state whereas Namjoon sighed and came towards me. "Hey, kid! Life never goes like we want it to but it always goes on."

I gritted my teeth and said,"If this is the life everyone is talking about then I don't want it. Death would be better than it." Putting the bottle on the table with a thud I stood up aggressively and walked away towards the exit.

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