16. Magic shop

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Starbucks in my hand and heels clicking against ground while I roamed from one shop to others. Every shope was full with couples and romance that literally madee wanna puke on their faces.

I sighed with boredom and nausea because I didn't found anything that would please the sunshine smile. Pouting my lips I walked along the foothpath peeking inside the store in search of a perfect gift.

The driver was worried for my safety while I didn't cared at all. "You shouldn't be out like this." Mr. Jihyun, the driver had taken my responsibilities like earlier because Taehyung was most probably enjoying his swee time with Seyeon. Lucky boy...

I sulked but continued to walk around the town like I owned it but barely my face was visible through the lowered cap to hide and an overcoat like any regular next door girl.

As I straddled forward m eyes landed on a book shop. I wondered if Hoseok would like the idea of a book asa gift. Well, I didn't had much choice because it was the only shop deprived of couples.

I sipped my Starbucks and said," Wait for me, outside." I dashed inside without the driver neither was the store manager was interested while being engaged in newspaper.

A gasp escaped my lips as I spinned between the shelves which looked so aesthetic with the wooden interior. A smell of roasted coffee lingered in the air from the cappuccino cup placed at the counter.

Tracing fingers through rhe books a grin of satisfaction crept on my lips. I curved them up into a bliss as I caught glimpse of a book I desired from a long. Looks like I might buy something for myself along with the supposed present.

I took it out and flipped through few pages, only to discover that it had a happy story with no drama. Well, too diabetic for me. Tsk.
I immediately placed it back and walked ahead passing by few rows of shelves until I saw the latest book from my favorite author.

I rushed towards it extending my hand to grip it but before that someone else walked past me and took it faster than me. That person marched ahead while I stomped against the floor.

"Hey! Stop right there you stealer. I got it first." He did stopped and chuckled while shaking his head sideways. "You name's not written here, Miss. First arrived, first served."

"You little chipmunk! Basically you seem like a nut that way after taking my treat." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes with displeasure. He scoffed. "You are one delusional woman, aren't you? You sound like you own it but let me tell you.." When he turned around his eyes met mine leaving us stunned.

"You?" said Jimin as he pointed his finger at me while I only blinked my eyelashes. I gawked at his figure as he stepped closer. "No way! What are you doing here on Valentine's?" He raised his one eyebrow to get my answer.

" What about you? Aren't you supposed to be with Eunji? It doesn't make sense for a boyfriend to ask a single person, like me, something that obvious."

" What is obvious?"

"My self love." I flipped my hair but corrected my statement." Also, I was out to buy a birthday gift for Hoseok."

"You are coming? Looks like whole batch's gonna crash at his place." I shrugged my shoulders with gaze fixed on his underarms which was squeezing the book. He caught my stare and held it behind his back." I don't have any plan on giving it away."

I chuckled." What a coincidence! Neither do I." Putting Starbucks on ground I smirked before running towards him. "Give it to me." I stretched mt arms but that guy tugged it like his life depended on it. "No. It's the latest one. You are acting like an immature kid, leave it!"

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