21. Adoring

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Finally the exams were over and I was waiting for Seyeon to pick me up. No one wished me a happy birthday but I kinda predicted it.

A heard a honk and immediately hopped in. "Where are we going?" I asked. She drove after saying that it was a secret. Then we stopped outside the amusement park.

"What are we doing here?" I was quite surprised when she dragged me inside, not answering the question. When I entered multiple confetti bursted at once with the iconic birthday song in background.

"Make a wish!" Taehyung handed me the cake and I did it before blowing the candle. Cutting it I gave it to everyone until the last person wrapped his lips around my finger and licked off the last creamy texture. Thankfully no one noticed but I was quite shocked watching Jimin standing in front of me.

"Happy birthday." I nodded and thanked him with a huge blush. Seyeon nudged me then dragged me to 'merry-go-round' then to rollar coaster which Hoseok denied to ride, so Yoongi accompanied him to a ferris wheel ride while Jin and Namjoon were barely able to control Jungkook and Taehyung out of their madness. Jimin on a second thought was quite calm and patience. It was either a side effect of breakup or he was feeling more relaxed after exam.

All my refusal went to vain when I was pulled inside the haunted house. Spooky voices and cold air didn't helped me in the darkness. I was tightly clutching onto Seyeon's wrist while she walked ahead with her boyfriend. I gulped looking at the webs and pin drop silence with random giggles were giving me goosebumps.

"I hate you, Seyeon." I didn't saw her face but heard her chuckle." Just kick their ass, crybaby." She said before stepping further into a room. Suddenly the door got closed on its own. Jungkook was too excited and definitely too bold to poke things until a broom fell making a chaos. Everyone screamed and ran for their lives while my fell on the ground, above someone.

I was on top of someone with our lips connected, texture more soft and plumpy than mine. Opening my eyes I saw the person under me and it was no other than that Park. His eyes piercing into my wide one. I instantly tried to stand but failed in detaching myself.

"Wait!" He wrapped his arms around my body and rolled to side. This way we easily parted and dusted off the dirt before straddling to find others.

We moved round and round in a circle. "We are lost," said Jimin before sitting on the floor. I sighed and pulled him up. "Now what?"

He shrugged his shoulders, resting his hands on hips, looking for a way to go out. That's when I leaned back and a big tarantula spider jumped on me. I screamed out my lung, jumping in an attempt to get it off while digging the nails here and there to detach it.

I was badly crying with closed eyes that I stumbled on him and landed on him with a thud. In fear I snuggled myself in his embrace.

Screw shyness, I was terrified.

His hands caressed my hair but still I was hugging him as if my life depended on it. "It's gone." I slowly lifted my eyes and found him staring at me. "Cute."

"Excuse me?" I didn't heard his murmur. He rolled aside then clearing his throat he said," You're a crybaby. Your nose and ears went red."

I rolled my eyes, stood up before wiping my tears. "What a dumbass" I mumbled and walked ahead.

Soon a flashlight beamed on us. It was Yoongi. We followed him out to others. When we converged we decided to call it off. On our way back to the parking Jungkook abruptly pulled Jimin in his hold and analysed his shirt. "Jimin-shi... Is this a lipstick stain?"

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