6. Difference

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I looked at him coming closer then pulling out a chair that person sat beside us. Tilting his head he said," You both know Yoon Y/N?" Seyeon's eyes narrowed as she frowned."Excuse me, what?"

He chuckled and said," I met her too. I was in Harry Styles's concert where I first saw her. She was a mystery."

Seyeon glanced at me while I shook my head, telling her that no way he saw me there. She then at him and asked, " Did you really saw her? Like completely?"

"No, she had a mask on but I guess she was in a hurry when I met her. And when I heard that you both know her then I thoug-"

" What brings you here?" I cut him off because I was afraid of him digging the information. He could even suspect that something was wrong in our way of talk if we discussed further about the other me.

He blinked his eyes then remembered why he had came here on first place. He lifted his bag and shoved his hand inside it. After scrounging in it he pulled out a notebook that looked similar to mine. He placed it on the table and pushed it towards me. Curving his pulpy lips into a smile he said," You forgot it in the classroom so I brought it."

I took it back and bobbed my head with a small thank you. It was real hard to not maintain an eye contact with him while he was continuously stared into my face. With one hand I palmed the side of my face which was closer to him because I didn't wanted him to match my current face with the last night memories of his mystery girl.

I secretly glanced at Seyeon and hinted her to distract Jimin from me. She immediately nodded and leaned on the table she initiated an conversation.

"It's so not ordinary to sit with a person like you. Where are your friends?" Jimin turned his gaze to her then said," They planned to have a Basketball match after previous period."

"Aren't you a part of it?" He shook his head side to side and said," I...I wasn't feeling well. I wanted some quite place to spend my time."

Arching my eyebrows I looked at him. He thought we were quite? Not peaceful but quite as if this was an apocalypse? I narrowed my eyes and strictly told him to get up.

He furrowed his eyebrows and asked the reason for it and I replied," Because this isn't a place for people like you to hang out. You can leave. Moreover, Eunji would be so mad if she saw you with us."

To be honest I was a kind of scared too because he was constantly staring into my orbs. I even noticed his pupils twitching like he was observing me. It was already enough for me to sit next to him in the class but looking at him with my naked eyes and that also from close proximity made my heart race. I was nervous and terrified because of his presence, therefore, I wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.

I saw his jaw clenching as soon as I took the name of her girlfriend but why? He didn't went away but got glued to his chair. Crossing his hands he looked t me and said," You don't own this place. I can stay wherever I want, this college runs on my donations."

I internally scoffed. If only he knew I was a bigger donator than him then he wouldn't had dare to speak that way. I shrugged my shoulder and said," Fine. Stay wherever you want I would leave."

I stood up and slipped into the bag before turning around. I was about to take a step forward but then he called my name.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I turned around and slammed on the table. Staring right into his eyes I said," I am not from those who would get beaten up from someone's girlfriend in the morning then get aided from their boyfriends. You are Eunji's special person and everyone know how she treats me so you better stay away."

He scoffed and stood up. Resting his hands on his hips he looked back into my eyes and said," Why are you suddenly getting so rude and aggressive? A minute ago you were all shy and quite but now you act like a brat."

I pointed my finger at him. " Listen carefully, what I want is being away from you or any if your close ones because I ain't got to do anything with them. Let me be alone because that is the best way for me to survive."

I was serious with everything I said. I really didn't wanted anything to know who I really was or what was my status.

He poked his cheeks and said,"I was just trying to be nice since no one talked to you. Looks like I found why they avoid you."

He spat on my face and leaned back. " You are no way different from Eunji. You both people and the only difference between you two is that she hurt them physically but hurt them mentally."

My heart broke into two. Never in my life I cared about my own self but others yet he said that to me. I had saved his life from the car crash, I was his savior but his venomous words hurted me. All I wanted was to get away from his sight either good way or bad but I wanted to get away though I had to hurt his feelings because risky my own freedom was something that I didn't wanted to put on sake of being friends with him.

My yes welled up and I clenched my fists. Digging the nails in my palm I looked at him and said," Don't judge me too soon. Someday you would regret your words."

With that I tugged my bag and spinned around to walk away from there. I heard Seyeon calling my name but I was about to break into tears so I hurriedly walked out from the cafeteria.

Coming out in the hallway I walked to the library after texting eomma that I would come home late. She agreed but told me to inform her once I exit the premises so that she would send the driver to pick me up. Then I texted Seyeon to go home, telling her that I had some important things to take care. I didn't wanted her to waste her time on me. She also had a curfew at home.

Now, I decided to spend some time alone, getting busy with books. Ultimately, books were the best friend of a student. I sighed after settling on a chair in the corner of the library. I sat beside the window where the curtains were flowing in air while a perfect lighting came inside.

Putting the books on table I started studying while only a few nerds ever came to this place. Exception to those who wanted a kinky make out between the shelves.

Hours went by and I was getting exhausted after revising everything that I read until now. No matter how much I read but it still felt small. Stretching my arms I yawned as a drop of lazy tear came up at the corner of my eyes. Looking at the watch I saw the time. It was already late of evening yet I was sitting here. The library was almost silent and the end of duty for the librarian was near by half an hour.

Therefore, I gathered my belongings and I put them inside the bag. It was totally a rough day and I was so tired to even walk. Pulling out the phone I texted eomma.

< I am leaving, tell Mr. Jihyun to pick me up.]

[I forgot to tell you but today appa will pick you>

I frowned and instantly asked her why. She typed back in the same pace.

[When I told him to send the driver he said he would pick you up. He wants to know how was your day after the changes he did>

If he would know that I hid the bruised marks of harassment, fought with my deskmate and skipped classes then he would hang me up. Not really.

But indeed he was strict.

<What will I say if he would ask why I cancelled to go back home on scheduled dispersal time?]

[You are my daughter. Tell your appa how ambitiously you were revising. He would understand. Bye, see you at home.>

<Yeah. Bye.]

A sigh escaped my mouth because I knew I was doomed. Appa would be so angry once he would caught me lying. What he only hated was liars and I was about to tell him one.

I stood up from chair and took the bag. Pulling the chair back I walked out of the library and into the field which was empty.

A White Lie| PJM✔️Where stories live. Discover now