3. Style

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The bracelet was originally a gift from my grandma. She said that her friend and she bought it together in a carnival.

When she was taking her last breath she passed it to me because it meant so much to her. She used to tell me story of how grandpa found her bracelet when she lost it and then they became friends and more. The rest was history of love.

It was her lucky charm and she wanted me to wear it. She believed that one day I would also find my true love, that I used to think of absurd because its impossible to discover your soulmate among the crowd of billion people living on earth.

But still I loved her enough to keep her last wish. It was a mere bracelet, nothing more than a string of pretty black beads.

Sometimes I wondered where was the other bracelet because the story I heard about that one was absolutely devastating. Grandma's friend also fell in love with my grandpa but since grandpa already loved granny so he rejected her, resulting in the breakage of their ever lasting friendship. I heard she married a man which her father choose, her grandchildren might be of my age too.

"Y/N, what's taking you so long? Come down and have food." Eomma called me while coming inside my room. I jerked up from the bed and saw her coming towards me.

"Oh dear! You still haven't changed, go slip into your casuals." She heavily sighed and shook her head." Your appa is right, maybe I am giving you so much space that you are forgetting discipline."

I whined at her statement and looked at her with doe eyes. "C'mon, you are the only one who let me have a breath of my own or else appa would've scolded me for 24 hours on how to be a responsible person. Gimme a break, it'll take only a minute to change my dress." I exclaimed before standing up the gently dragged her out with a pout.

"Fine. Come down within ten minutes." I playfully saluted her and said," Roger that!" She went down before I rushed towards the bathroom. A quick shower of five minutes then slipping into hoodie and sweatpants made me satisfied.

I went down and my eyes got blessed with the food she made. Running to her I sat beside her and began my self service. My plate was almost full before she giggled," Eat in balance or you'll burst out."

I winked." I won't when you cook them." Pecking her cheek I grabbed a bite and shoved it in my mouth. An explode of flavor mixed my taste buds and gave off a beautiful sensation of deliciousness.

I filled my stomach before eomma collected the dishes and went to kitchen to wash them. Like a middle class man daughter she was, she never let go of her nature. She was humble and humorous, that was what attracted my father towards her. She warmed his heart with love that he proposed her within a month. She was his first and last relationship.

Door bell rang and I looked at the figure of my friend standing at the doorstep. The doors were opened so I waved at her and she came in. She wished my mom and sat beside me. Nudging mt side she said," Let's go hang out."

"Did something speak happened?" She shook her head. " I got home and dad gave me two VIP tickets to Harry Style's concert!"


I shouted but immediately covered my mouth. Eomma glanced at us and I gave her a silly smile as she shook her head over my dumbness.

I again looked at Seyeon and said," Count me in but eomma won't let me out at this hour. You know she would ask me to get the bodyguards and that would scream my real identity for being a 'Yoon'."

"Girl, stop being a pussy! You are Yoon Y/N for God sake, the mysterious heiress that everyone is curious to meet. For one night drop down that shaggy look and dress like the queen you are."

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