12. Bodyguard

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Running my fingers into the locks I ruffled my hair. Walking on the pavement students whispered among themselves as I passed by unbothered. It wasn't any different, same usual discussion they had regarding the news. Well, yesterday was a blast since Park Industrial opened another territory n Seoul.

"What's up, Chim!" Jin gave a fiat bump as Hoseok bobbed his head in a 'sup' with a smile. We three walked in ignoring those stares and glares. Outside the room Jungkook was leaning against the wall with hands in his pockets while Taehyung was sipping his coffee.

"Hey, Jimin. Quite an early bird today?" said Taehyung. I shrugged my shoulders. "Seems like it but why everyone's outside the class?" The door suddenly slammed open beside me. Everyone flinched but when we saw Yoongi with sleepy face we calmed the hell down.

He looked at us and said," Aren't you all coming in?" Taehyung scoffed," For what? Mrs. Hades changed our seats. We can't even stick together, so what's he point of settling early." Hoseok nodded in agreement. "He is right. Sitting beside Eunji is like torture. As if she was consuming my happiness and spreading gloom. I am sorry Jimin, if you don't like to hear that about your girlfriend but I and Yoongi are not much fond of her."

I sighed because they were right. In fact noone was that much fond of her, not even me. Sometimes it aches to thinks that I accepted to be in a relationship with her. It was just the debt of saving my life that I wanted to pay off, nothing more. No feeling, no love.

The bell rang bringing me back to earth. We all entered inside and settled on our seats. Everyone was already present, ready to take the class. I glanced at my left and saw Y/N. Someone might see her as a boy because she had nothing like what Eunji or other girls wore on regular basis.

She looked nervous and constantly tapped her shoes against the floor. I kicked out the ego from that previous fight between us and asked,"Is everything alright?" She jerked her head away, looking my way. She was definitely taken aback from my whisper. "Y-Yeah, just never for the rumor..."

"What rumor?" I exclaimed in curiosity. She said," That our e-"

"Your final exams would be held after three weeks. Start preparing for it, your career depends on it. Now, moving on I am going to start your revision classes from tomorrow, so don't miss it. It would be highly helpful for your own good." With that she again started teaching leaving us in a dilemma of nervousness.

Somehow everyone focused on her lecture and when the bell rang everyone got dismissed. I too came out of the class to get some fresh air with friends.

We all were sitting in a circle talking about irrelevant things. Seokjin was constantly threw dad jokes while Hoseok giggled at them. Truthfully some of them were really funny. We were laughing until Taehyung's phone rang. He asked us to keep quite so we stopped giggling.

He curved lips dropped into a plane line. His eyes grew wider with his hands shaking to hold he phone." Yes, I am coming right away! I'll be there in a minute." He stood up and slipped his bag to go. Namjoon tugged his hand and asked," Where are you going?"

He said," My appa got shot by a bullet. He is safe under the surveillance of doctor. Mr. Yoon is also there, they both wants o see me." Our jaw dropped down as we stood up simultaneously to accompany him but he arched an eyebrow. He said," Why are you coming with me?" Jungkook nudged his arm and have a 'tsk' sound. He said," Mr. Kim is a really sweet person so we also want to meet him. We wan to make sure if his is alright or not. Now let's go, we re getting late."

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