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"Guys! Get up!" Chuck tells, the walls are opening.
Please let them be here please.
The walls open completely.
Every one gathers around the entrence of the Maze.
"I told you, Chuck" Newt begins "They're not coming back" he looks at him and begins to walk away, and the rest of them do.

I squeeze Chuck's hand "They're gonna make it" I whispers he nods.
I turn to look back, Zart looks like he just saw a ghost "No way" he says I look into the Maze.
I smile they made it, they made it!

"Yeah!" Chuck shouts.
Those little shucks made me worry.
They are carrying alby as they exit completely the Maze.
"I got him" I hear, and they lay alby on the ground gently.

"What happend?"

"How did you guys make it out?

I bend down to check on alby, he got stung.

" You saw a Griever? " I hear Chuck ask.
" Yeah I saw one " Thomas says out of breath.
Minho shakes his head.
" He didn't just see it... He killed it "
Well that's badass.

Everyone looks at him in disbelief, I just smile at him.


"This is gonna sting" I say before cleaning the wound on Minho's arm.
He winces.
"You guys made me worry a lot" I say not looking at him.

"Awww you care for me" he teases.
"Oh shut up" I laugh.
"So did something happen while I was gone?" he asks like we celabrated Christmas while the tree of them were gone.
I just smile.

"Oh I already know what happend." he smirks.
"I don't think so" I shake my head.
I remain silent.

"I knew it!"

"You two kissed!"
"Maybe yes maybe not" I finish cleaning up his wound and walk out to the gathering room.


Everyone's in the gathering room.
"Things are changing" Gally says, but not your eyebrows.
"There's no denying that" he continues.
"First ben gets stung in daylight and then alby"

"And now, our greenie, here" he points at him "he's taking it upon himself, to go into the Maze."
I don't think gally knows that Thomas saved Albys life and killed a schucking Griever.
"-violation of our rules" he looks around.
"Yeah... But he saved Albys life" Fry says.

"Did he?" um yes.

"For three years, we've coexisted with these things" he points at Thomas "And now you've killed one of them who knows what that could mean for us"

"What do you suggest we do?" Newt asks.
"He has to be punished"
The boys start protesting.
"What? No, you can't-" I say looking at Gally, he gives me a death stare so I shut up.

"Minho, you were there whit him, what do you think?" Newt asks.
"I think, in all the time we've been here, no one has ever killed a Griever.

Look, i don't know if he's brave or stupid, but whatever it is, we need more of it, so I say we make him a runner"

Newt smiles amused.

"Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!" Chuck roots for him but no one does so he looks down.
"If you want to throw a newbie a parade, f that's fine go ahead!" Gally protest.
"But if there's one thing I know about that Maze-" he stops talking when we hear a sudden noise.
The box.

"It's impossible, it's shouldn't come up yet" I say to newt, he shrugs.
"C'mon" he grabs my hand and walks out the gathering room.

Gally and Newt open the box and he jumps in.
"What do you see?" "What's in there?" I hear.
I lean to see what's in the box.
It's a girl.

"It's a girl" Newt says looking up.

"Another one?"

The box is empty, there's only the girl.
It must mean something.
"What's in her hand?" I point.
He bends down and take the piece of paper and opens is.
"She's the last one..."
"Ever" and looks up.

"What the hell does that mean?".

Suddenly she wakes up gasping for air, her eyes are wide.
"Thomas" she breaths and now she's unconscious.
"Do you still think I'm over reacting?" he looks at all of us and then at me.

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