The Sorceress

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You are deemed as one of the most powerful sorceresses in Etheria.

It was after the battle of Brightmoon, word was out that Shadow Weaver somehow was in Brightmoon. You wanted to go and investigate, You prepared a teleportation spell but Castaspella interrupted. "Where are you going, it's so late", Castaspella asked as she yawned. 

"Brightmoon, somehow Shadow got in I have to see what's going on", you said worryingly.

"Okay, then I'm coming with you", Castaspella replied.

You both prepared the spell and appeared in front of Queen Angella. Queen Angella had he hands on her head, she suddenly looked up. "Where have you two been, never mind we have no time left to waste", Queen Angella says as she takes both of you to the holding cell.

"This is the holding cell", You ask. "YES THIS IS THE HOLDING CELL", Queen Angella exclaims.

She opens the doors and You see Shadow Weavers unconscious body on the bed.

You quickly make a holding cell and lift Shadow Weaver, as you carry her you felt strange, your face started to become warm and your heart started beating fast and hard.

You gently lie her down on the floor and activate the holding spell. Not long after she wakes up.

"Where am I", She asks. "You're in the Brightmoon Prison", You say. 

"This is a Prison", Shadow Weaver asks back. You couldn't help but laugh a little. 

"What are you doing here Shadow Weaver", Queen Angella asks. Castaspella gets a truth spell ready but it wasn't the best casting. 

"For the last time tell us what you know", Castaspella said as she went closer to Shadow Weaver.

"I know that when you cast a truth spell, you should make sure you have drawn it correctly, sloppy work", Shadow Weaver says in a sinister tone.

You wanted to laugh so hard because it was true. "Ok Casta my turn", You say as you perfectly cast the truth spell.

Shadow Weaver's eyes widen "And who might you be, you're clearly more talented then Castaspella here", Shadow Weaver says in a sarcastic tone.

"At the moment none of your business, so Tell us what you know", You say sternly as you push the spell towards her.

She suddenly starts coughing, it seemed like she was dying. "This isn't working, y/n stay here and keep an eye on her please", Queen Angella said as she exited with Castaspella.

"Your very talented and Beautiful, you make me feel funny", Shadow says as she coughs

You couldn't help but feel sorry for her, Suddenly Adora and Glimmer appeared.

"What are you two doing here, if your mother sees you two we'll all be in deep shit", You said to Glimmer.

"It's fine Bow is distracting them", Glimmer says. "Then you'd better be fast", You say.

Adora goes up to Shadow Weaver and asks her a few questions, suddenly Shadow Weavers Coughs become more heavy and she was drifting away slowly.

"ADORA DO SOMETHING", You exclaimed. Adora managed to heal Shadow Weaver with her sword and by listening to Shadow Weavers instructions.

Suddenly Queen Angella and Castaspella come through the door, Shadow Weaver finally spits out the truth but as she's talking you could feel her eyes were on you. It made you feel strange but in a good way.

After she was done Queen Angella asked if you could stay the night and guard her, you happily agreed.

You were about to go to bed but she spoke again. "y/n come closer", Shadow says as she points to you.

You didn't know why but you went. You go till your right in front of the forcefield. "Closer", She says again.

You go so close that your inches away from her face. She takes of her mask and kisses you, you wanted to pull away but it felt so good.

She pulled away and let you breath, she expected you to move away but you stayed close to her face.

You look into her musky green eyes and then you look at her face she was Beautiful her jawline was crisp and her eyes were musky and mysterious.

"I can sense your intentions and I know your here to do good, I'm going to say something but don't get weirded out", You said as you looked at the ground. You then look into her eyes and say " I love you",. 

"I love you too", Shadow said softly. When she said this you felt warm and fuzzy inside and you knew she was genuine because you had the ability to sense what she was feeling and saying, if it was true or not.

You go closer to her and hug her, you then get some pillows that were lying about and laid them down in the forcefield. 

She then kisses you on the forehead and pulls you close.

You fall asleep on her chest as you heard her heart beat.  


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